Comparison of Federalist Papers Federalist 8 to United States Constitution (1997)

Comparison of Federalist Papers Federalist 8 to United States Constitution (1997)


Federalist Papers Federalist 8 has 15 lines, and one of them has a weak match at magnitude 10 in United States Constitution (1997). 93% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.07 weak matches.


Federalist 8: 9

... and devoted to the improvements of agriculture and commerce, are incompatible with the condition of a nation of soldiers, which was the true condition of the people of those republics. The means of revenue, which have been so greatly multiplied by the increase of gold and silver and of the arts of industry, and the science of finance, which is the offspring of modern times, concurring with the habits of nations, have produced an entire revolution in the system of war, and have rendered disciplined armies, distinct from the body of the citizens, the inseparable companions of frequent hostility.

Article 1 Section 8: 8

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;