Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6 to Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6 has 79 lines, and 5% of them have strong matches at magnitude 15+ in Geoffrey Chaucer. 77% of the lines have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14. 18% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.05 strong matches and 10.13 weak matches.
Geoffrey Chaucer
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Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 5: 3
with my compleintes, seide thus: 'Whan I say thee,' quod she,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 61
governed, for-thy wenestow that thise mutaciouns of fortune [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 7
And thanne seide she thus: 'yif thou loke,' quod she, 'first
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 12
'By whiche governement,' quod she, 'that this world is [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 19
sholden doute that this world nis governed by god.' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 20
'Certes,' quod I, 'ne yit ne doute I it naught, ne I nel never [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
[continues previous] sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 22
[continues previous] governed by god, with whiche governailes takestow hede that
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 60
[continues previous] for thou hast foryeten by whiche governements the world is
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 61
[continues previous] governed, for-thy wenestow that thise mutaciouns of fortune
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 3: 59
al-though that selde is ther any feith that fortunous thinges wolen [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 5
that may be thyn in any tyme, or elles that it nis foul, yif that it [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 157
propre heved; or elles, yif ther be any thing to which that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 12
[continues previous] 'By whiche governement,' quod she, 'that this world is
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 1
[continues previous] Thanne seide she: 'this is,' quod she, 'the olde question of
Parson's Tale: 104
Now preye I to hem alle that herkne this litel tretis or rede, that if ther be any thing in it that lyketh hem, that ther-of they thanken oure lord Iesu Crist, of whom procedeth al wit and al goodnesse. And if ther be any thing that displese hem, I preye hem also that they arrette it to the defaute of myn unconninge, and nat to my wil, that wolde ful fayn ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 21
'Certes,' quod I, 'it ne remembreth me nat that evere I was [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 74
the endes and the bitydinges of hem ben absolut and quit of alle [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 1: 7
so that she was ful of so greet age, that men ne wolde nat trowen,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 1: 8
in no manere, that she were of oure elde. The stature of hir was
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 117
of thinges. Ne I trowe nat, by the Iugement of Socrates, that
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 124
certein, that fortunous welefulnesse endeth by the deeth of the [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 21
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod I, 'it ne remembreth me nat that evere I was
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 45
'This take I wel,' quod I, 'ne this ne may nat ben withseid
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 160
no good in it-self, ne semblaunce of good, it ne may nat wel in
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 51
it was biforn. And, who-so wolde renne in the same manere by [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 52
alle thinges, he sholde seen that, with-oute doute, every thing is [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 82
'Certes,' quod I, 'al-outrely it ne mighte nat availen him.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 107
'Certes,' quod I, 'no wight ne douteth it, yif he be in his
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 25
'This is open and cleer,' quod I; 'ne it may nat ben deneyed
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 76
'Ne thou ne doutest nat,' quod she, 'that thilke naturel office
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 8
'Certes,' quod she, 'ne is nis nat leveful to hem, as I shal wel
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 124
'Whan I consider thy resouns,' quod I, 'I ne trowe nat that
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 172
'I ne doute nat,' quod I, 'that I nolde don suffisaunt satisfaccioun
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 120
strengthe; but the lowere strengthe ne aryseth nat in no manere
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 10
certein thinges sholde be moeved by fortunous fortune; but I
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 35
'I wot wel,' quod I, and answerede, that 'god is beginning [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 6
delices I not what Ioye may ben had of hir moevinge. But this [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 7
wot I wel, that who-so-ever wole remembren him of hise luxures, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 51
[continues previous] it was biforn. And, who-so wolde renne in the same manere by
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 134
[continues previous] thou mayst nat drede, by no manere, that alle the thinges
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 21
[continues previous] wene that it were to doute; as who seith, but I wot wel that god [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 19
wolde wondre wel the lasse, yif I trowede that al thise thinges
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 20
weren medled by fortunous happe; but now hepeth and encreseth
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 11
wot wel that god, maker and mayster, is governour of his werk.
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 21
[continues previous] wene that it were to doute; as who seith, but I wot wel that god
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 12
Ne never nas yit day that mighte putte me out of the sothnesse
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 14
'So is it,' quod she; 'for the same thing songe thou a litel
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 3: 14
'Right so is it,' quod she. 'For thise ne ben yit none remedies
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 61
thanne thilke provostrie? And, as I have seyd a litel her-biforn, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 16
as I seyde a litel her-biforn that, sin ther mot nedes ben many [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 110
whan thou enforcedest thee to shewe me the causes [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 22
empty and with-outen frut. But, as I have y-shewed a litel [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 8
that tho thinges that I have concluded a litel her-biforn dwellen [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 163
thing hath ben descovered to thee, in that thou seydest that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 58
'I acorde me greetly,' quod I; 'and I aperceivede a litel her-biforn [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 59
that thou woldest seye thus; al-be-it so that it were by [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 123
blisfulnesse, thou seydest that it is soverein good; and seydest [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 34
thinges that I have concluded a litel her-biforn ben kept hole [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 35
and unraced, thou shalt wel knowe by the autoritee of god, of the [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 157
as I have gadered and proeved a litel her-biforn, that yvel is [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 162
of this power of shrewes, I have definisshed a litel her-biforn, that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 30
thee of thilke noble corolarie that I yaf thee a litel her-biforn; [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 129
'Certes,' quod she, 'so it is; but men may nat. For they han
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 13
litel her-biforn, this sentence is sustened by stedefast resouns. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 146
For which it bihoveth, by necessitee, that the linage of mankinde, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 147
as thou songe a litel her-biforn, be departed and unioined from [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 27
thou thy-self hast confessed it and biknowen a litel her-biforn, what [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 1
Therfor thanne, as I have shewed a litel her-biforn, that al [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 15
her-biforn, and biweyledest and biweptest, that only men weren
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 61
[continues previous] thanne thilke provostrie? And, as I have seyd a litel her-biforn,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 16
[continues previous] as I seyde a litel her-biforn that, sin ther mot nedes ben many
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 23
[continues previous] her-biforn, that yif ther be a blisfulnesse that be freele and
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 163
[continues previous] thing hath ben descovered to thee, in that thou seydest that
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 164
[continues previous] thou wistest nat a litel her-biforn.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 18
[continues previous] 'Thou ne wendest nat,' quod she, 'a litel her-biforn, that men
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 59
[continues previous] that thou woldest seye thus; al-be-it so that it were by
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 122
[continues previous] devyne? For certes, a litel her-biforn, whan thou bigunne at
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 34
[continues previous] thinges that I have concluded a litel her-biforn ben kept hole
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 35
[continues previous] and unraced, thou shalt wel knowe by the autoritee of god, of the
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 158
[continues previous] naught; and so as shrewes mowen only but shrewednesses, this
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 162
[continues previous] of this power of shrewes, I have definisshed a litel her-biforn, that
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 31
[continues previous] and gader it to-gider in this manere: — so as good him-self is
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 100
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod I, 'these thinges ben clere y-nough; and that
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 12
[continues previous] the purviaunce and the destinee that thou taughtest me a
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 13
[continues previous] litel her-biforn, this sentence is sustened by stedefast resouns.
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 1
[continues previous] Therfor thanne, as I have shewed a litel her-biforn, that al
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 13
thilke thinges ne mowen nat performen that they bi-heten, and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 35
prince of alle thinges; for certes som-thing possessing in it-self [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 70
nothing nis more worth. For alwey, of alle thinges, the nature [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 71
of hem ne may nat ben bettre than his biginning; for which [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 12: 11
songes that hadden overcomen alle thinges ne mighten nat [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 25
woot and alle thinges may, and ne wole nat but only gode [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 130
hir eyen so wont to the derknesse of erthely thinges, that they ne [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 143
dyverse tymes the foule erthe and the hevene, and that alle other [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 33
thee nat that alle thinges ben doon a-right. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 2: 6
alle thinges from an heigh, ne withstondeth nat no thinges by [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 7
of libertee. For yif so be that god loketh alle thinges biforn, ne [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 79
avyse the prescience, by which it knoweth alle thinges, thou ne [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 107
devyne lookinge, biholdinge alle thinges under him, ne troubleth [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 17
ne doutedest nat that they nere governed by resoun. But owh!
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 5: 12
what contree thou art born, it nis nat governed by emperours, ne
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 5: 13
by governement of multitude, as weren the contrees of hem of
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 22
[continues previous] governed by god, with whiche governailes takestow hede that
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 104
Yif blisfulnesse be the sovereyn good of nature that liveth by
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 105
resoun, ne thilke thing nis nat sovereyn good that may be taken
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 1
Than seyde I thus: 'owh! I wondre me that thou bihetest me [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 130
[continues previous] hir eyen so wont to the derknesse of erthely thinges, that they ne
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 131
[continues previous] may nat liften hem up to the light of cleer sothfastnesse; but
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 32
[continues previous] the gode governour, atempreth and governeth the world, ne doute
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 33
[continues previous] thee nat that alle thinges ben doon a-right.
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 7
[continues previous] of libertee. For yif so be that god loketh alle thinges biforn, ne
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 8
[continues previous] god ne may nat ben desseived in no manere, than mot it nedes
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 20
seyth, I ne alowe nat, or I ne preyse nat, thilke same resoun, by
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 79
[continues previous] avyse the prescience, by which it knoweth alle thinges, thou ne
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 80
[continues previous] shal nat demen it as prescience of thinges to comen, but thou
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 107
[continues previous] devyne lookinge, biholdinge alle thinges under him, ne troubleth
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 108
[continues previous] nat the qualitee of thinges that ben certeinly present to him-ward;
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 18
(i. pape!) I wondre gretly, certes, why that thou art syk, sin
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 61
thou that art put in the comune realme of alle, ne desyre nat to
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 4: 11
the see, thondre with over-throwinges, thou that art put in quiete,
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 64
overcomen by adversitees. Ne certes, thou that art put in the
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 65
encres or in the heighte of vertu, ne hast nat comen to fleten with
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 16
ben false and unparfit. But sey me this. Wenest thou that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 6
Tho seide she thus: 'Whether wenestow,' quod she, 'that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 7
this world be governed by foolish happes and fortunous, or [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 16
put out of the cure of god. For of alle other thinges thou [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 60
for thou hast foryeten by whiche governements the world is [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 61
governed, for-thy wenestow that thise mutaciouns of fortune [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 17
[continues previous] he, that hath nede of power, that him ne lakketh no-thing?'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 12
'By whiche governement,' quod she, 'that this world is [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 19
sholden doute that this world nis governed by god.' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 76
'Ne thou ne doutest nat,' quod she, 'that thilke naturel office
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 7
[continues previous] this world be governed by foolish happes and fortunous, or
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 17
[continues previous] ne doutedest nat that they nere governed by resoun. But owh!
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 60
[continues previous] for thou hast foryeten by whiche governements the world is
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 61
[continues previous] governed, for-thy wenestow that thise mutaciouns of fortune
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 19
[continues previous] sholden doute that this world nis governed by god.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 12
[continues previous] 'By whiche governement,' quod she, 'that this world is
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 14
[continues previous] 'Me remembreth it wel,' quod I; 'and I confesse wel that I
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 51
thus with al thy fortune, sin thou hast yit thy beste thinges. But [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 52
I may nat suffren thy delices, that pleynest so wepinge and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 89
yit may it nat ben with-holden that it ne goth away whan it wole.
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 2: 3
yit ne may it nat, by the infirme light of his bemes, breken or
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 18
[continues previous] nat speedful y-nough ne sufficient: the whiche solucioun, or the
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 26
'I nas nat deceived,' quod she, 'that ther ne faileth somwhat,
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 52
[continues previous] I may nat suffren thy delices, that pleynest so wepinge and
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 75
parties; ne the savinge of obedient thinges ne sholde nat be.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 76
'Thanne is ther nothing,' quod she, 'that kepeth his nature,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 114
'Thanne is yvel nothing,' quod she, 'sin that he ne may nat
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 76
'Ne thou ne doutest nat,' quod she, 'that thilke naturel office
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 8
'Certes,' quod she, 'ne is nis nat leveful to hem, as I shal wel
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 165
'Thanne ne doutestow nat,' quod she, 'that thilke folk that ben
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 29
plentee of the lyf interminable, to whom ther ne faileth naught of
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 28
thy thought, so as the strengthe of the palis chyning is open.
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 4: 12
and weleful by strengthe of thy palis, shalt leden a cleer age,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 29
But sey me this: remembrest thou what is the ende of thinges,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 38
the beginning of thinges, that thou ne knowest nat what is the
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 39
ende of thinges? But swiche ben the customes of perturbaciouns,
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 126
blisfulnesse, that alle the kinde of mortal thinges ne descendeth [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 9: 19
alle thinges, and devydest it by membres acordinge; and whan [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 166
'That thou ne wistest nat,' quod she, 'which was the ende [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 1
Thanne seide I thus: 'I acorde me gretly to Plato, for thou [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 130
requered and desired of alle the kinde of thinges. And thou [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 59
[continues previous] that felonous and wikked men ben mighty and weleful. And
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 126
[continues previous] blisfulnesse, that alle the kinde of mortal thinges ne descendeth
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 166
[continues previous] 'That thou ne wistest nat,' quod she, 'which was the ende
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 2
[continues previous] remembrest and recordest me thise thinges yit the secounde
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 31
'I have herd it told som-tyme,' quod I; 'but drerinesse hath
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 33
'Certes,' quod she, 'thou wost wel whennes that alle thinges
Melibee's Tale: 60
Thanne dame Prudence discovered al hir wil to him, and seyde, 'I conseille yow,' quod she, 'aboven alle thinges, that ye make pees bitwene god and yow; and beth reconsiled un-to him and to his grace. For as I have seyd yow heer-biforn, god hath suffred yow to have this tribulacioun and disese for your sinnes. And if ye do as I sey yow, god wol sende your adversaries un-to ...
Melibee's Tale: 69
Thanne was Prudence right glad and loyeful, and seyde, 'Certes, sir,' quod she, 'ye han wel and goodly answered. For right as by the conseil, assent, and help of your freendes, ye han been stired to venge yow and maken werre, right so with-outen hir conseil shul ye nat accorden yow, ne have pees with your adversaries. For the lawe seith: "ther nis no-thing so good ...
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 144
nat unskilfully axed thus: "Yif god is, whennes comen wikkede [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 5: 34
of thinges that ben aposed ayeins thee, thou hast remembred [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 20
it procedeth of thinges that ben al hoole and absolut, and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 137
and brought to soverein good, right as alle thinges that ben brought [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 170
to ryden, as the effect of his hele. Now thanne, sin that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 171
alle thinges ben requered for the grace of good, they ne ben nat [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 34
And thilke thing, what-so-ever it be, by which that alle thinges [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 49
'Thanne ordeineth he by him-self al-one alle thinges?' quod she.
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 53
'Thanne ordeineth he alle thinges by thilke good,' quod she;
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 116
'Scornest thou me?' quod I; 'or elles pleyest thou or deceivest
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 47
[continues previous] 'Alle folk thanne,' quod she, 'goode and eek badde, enforcen
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 122
geteth and ateyneth to the ende of alle thinges that ben to desire, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 136
the comune fyn of alle thinges that ben, they forleten also therwith-al [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 179
that alle thinges, that oughten ben desired, ben referred to good, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 4
medes, ne shrewes lakken never-mo torments. For of alle thinges [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 5
that ben y-doon, thilke thing, for which any-thing is don, it semeth [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 10
that alle thinges ben doon. Thanne is thilke same good purposed [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Metre 5: 23
brestes of men; the moevable poeple is astoned of alle thinges [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Metre 5: 24
that comen selde and sodeinly in our age. But yif the troubly [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 33
thee nat that alle thinges ben doon a-right. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 7
me,' quod she, 'to telle thing that is grettest of alle thinges that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 75
that is destinee. For which it is, that alle thinges that ben put [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 2: 8
the blake cloudes. Thilke god seeth, in oo strok of thought, alle [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 2: 9
thinges that ben, or weren, or sholle comen; and thilke god, for [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 53
and of thinges to comen. For althogh that, for that thinges ben [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 126
that ben under that forme. But she knoweth hem in thilke manere [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 144
[continues previous] nat unskilfully axed thus: "Yif god is, whennes comen wikkede
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 146
[continues previous] But al hadde it ben leveful that felonous folk, that now desiren
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 5: 35
[continues previous] thinges that ben knowen to alle folk. And of the felonyes and
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 48
[continues previous] For whennes comen elles alle thise foreyne compleyntes or
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 19
[continues previous] took nat hir beginninge of thinges amenused and inparfit, but
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 137
[continues previous] and brought to soverein good, right as alle thinges that ben brought
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 146
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod I, 'it hath wel ben shewed heer-biforn, that alle [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 148
[continues previous] 'Thanne ben they none membres,' quod she; 'for elles it
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 153
[continues previous] 'This is open and cleer,' quod she, 'that alle othre thinges ben
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 154
[continues previous] referred and brought to good. For therefore is suffisaunce requered,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 166
[continues previous] of alle the thinges that ben to requeren. But certes, thilke that
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 171
[continues previous] alle thinges ben requered for the grace of good, they ne ben nat
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 110
[continues previous] the same thinges fro whennes they ben arraced. But fyr fleeth
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 135
[continues previous] that ben anywhere, that they ne requeren naturelly the ferme
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 45
[continues previous] is y-set, alle thinges y-treted that I trowe ben necessarie to [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 122
[continues previous] geteth and ateyneth to the ende of alle thinges that ben to desire,
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 136
[continues previous] the comune fyn of alle thinges that ben, they forleten also therwith-al
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 5
[continues previous] that ben y-doon, thilke thing, for which any-thing is don, it semeth
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 10
[continues previous] that alle thinges ben doon. Thanne is thilke same good purposed
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 33
[continues previous] thee nat that alle thinges ben doon a-right.
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 75
[continues previous] that is destinee. For which it is, that alle thinges that ben put
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 76
[continues previous] under destinee ben, certes, subgits to purviaunce, to whiche purviaunce
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 53
[continues previous] and of thinges to comen. For althogh that, for that thinges ben
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 54
[continues previous] to comen, ther-fore ben they purveyed, nat, certes, for that they
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 125
[continues previous] comprehended the forme, it knoweth and demeth alle the thinges
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 126
[continues previous] that ben under that forme. But she knoweth hem in thilke manere
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 10
certein thinges sholde be moeved by fortunous fortune; but I
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 11
wot wel that god, maker and mayster, is governour of his werk.
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 146
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod I, 'it hath wel ben shewed heer-biforn, that alle
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 35
[continues previous] ben y-maked and y-lad, I clepe him "god"; that is a word that
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 45
[continues previous] is y-set, alle thinges y-treted that I trowe ben necessarie to
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 89
[continues previous] sinne. But yif that god wot that, right so as thinges ben to
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 57
[continues previous] purviance wot biforn to comen ne ben nat to bityden; but that
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 114
'Thanne is yvel nothing,' quod she, 'sin that he ne may nat
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 38
the beginning of thinges, that thou ne knowest nat what is the
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 17
ne doutedest nat that they nere governed by resoun. But owh!
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 29
But sey me this: remembrest thou what is the ende of thinges, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 24
that swiche thinges ben doon in the regne of god, that alle thinges [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 122
geteth and ateyneth to the ende of alle thinges that ben to desire, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 39
ende of thinges? But swiche ben the customes of perturbaciouns,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 204
to the aventure of fortune; and iugen that only swiche thinges
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 29
[continues previous] But sey me this: remembrest thou what is the ende of thinges,
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 21
honours, and swiche other thinges ben of my right. My servauntes
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 74
may be maked comparisoun, but of thinges that ben with-outen
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 75
ende, to thinges that han ende, may be maked no comparisoun.
Melibee's Tale: 15
... fourthe resoun, ther ye seyn that "the Ianglerie of wommen hath hid thinges that they woot noght," as who seith, that "a womman can nat hyde that she woot;" sir, thise wordes been understonde of wommen that been Iangleresses and wikked; of whiche wommen, men seyn that "three thinges dryven a man out of his hous; that is to seyn, smoke, dropping of reyn, and wikked wyves;" and of swiche wommen seith Salomon, that "it were bettre dwelle in desert, than with a womman that is riotous." And sir, by your leve, that am nat I; for ye han ful ofte ... [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 41
man out of his place, that is to seyn, fro the stablenes and perfeccioun
Melibee's Tale: 15
[continues previous] ... resoun, ther ye seyn that "the Ianglerie of wommen hath hid thinges that they woot noght," as who seith, that "a womman can nat hyde that she woot;" sir, thise wordes been understonde of wommen that been Iangleresses and wikked; of whiche wommen, men seyn that "three thinges dryven a man out of his hous; that is to seyn, smoke, dropping of reyn, and wikked wyves;" and of swiche wommen seith Salomon, that "it were bettre dwelle in desert, than with a womman that is riotous." And sir, by your leve, that am nat I; for ye han ful ofte assayed my grete silence and my gret pacience; and ...
Melibee's Tale: 47
'Certes,' quod Melibee, 'I graunte yow, dame Prudence, that pacience is a greet vertu of perfeccioun; but every man may nat have the perfeccioun that ye seken; ne I nam nat of the nombre of right parfite men, for myn herte may never been in pees un-to the tyme it be venged. And al-be-it so that it was greet peril to myne enemys, to do me ... [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 13
that is to seyn, coveitise of glorie and renoun to han wel administred [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 13
tyme it is present, and procedeth fro preterits in-to futures, that is
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 14
to seyn, fro tyme passed in-to tyme cominge; ne ther nis no-thing
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 30
... of the sonne swich a quantite of latitude as sheweth by thyn almikanteras. And yif the altitude of the planete be lasse than the degree of the sonne, thanne is the planete south fro the wey of the sonne swich a quantite of latitude as sheweth by thyn almikanteras. This is to seyn, fro the wey wher-as the sonne wente thilke day, but nat from the wey of the sonne in every place of the zodiak. And for the more declaracioun, lo here the figure.
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 37
... the meridional lyne; and departe alle thilke degrees in 3 evene parties, and take the evene equacion of 3; for ley thy label over everich of 3 parties, and than maistow see by thy label in which degree of the zodiak is the by-ginning of everich of thise same houses fro the assendent: that is to seyn, the beginning of the 12 house next above thyn assendent; and thanne the beginning of the 11 house; and thanne the 10, up-on the meridional lyne; as I first seide. The same wyse wirke thou fro the assendent doun to the lyne of midnight; and thanne thus hastow other 3 ...
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 40
... compas, and sette the point of A in the wex on my label, as evene as I coude gesse over the ecliptik lyne, in the ende of the longitude; and sette the point of F endlang in my label up-on the space of the latitude, inwarde and over the zodiak, that is to seyn, north-ward fro the ecliptik. Than leide I doun my compas, and lokede wel in the wey upon the prikke of A and of F; tho turned I my riet til that the prikke of F sat up-on the orisonte; than saw I wel that the body of Venus, in hir latitude of 2 degrees septentrionalis, assended, in the ende of the 6 degree, in the heved of Capricorne. And nota, that in the same maner maistow wirke with any latitude septentrional in alle signes; but sothly the latitude meridional of a planete in Capricorne may not be take, by-cause of the litel space by-twixe the ecliptik and the bordure of the Astrolabie; but sothly, in alle other signes it may. Also the degree, par aventure, of Iuppiter or of a-nother planete, was in the first degree of Pisces in longitude, and his latitude was 3 degrees meridional; tho tok I the point of A, and sette it in the firste degree of Pisces on the ecliptik, and thanne sette I the point of F dounward in the same signe, by-cause that the latitude was south 3 degrees, that is to seyn, fro the heved of Pisces; and thus have I 3 degrees by-twixe bothe prikkes; thanne sette I the degree of the longitude up-on the orisonte. Tho tok I my label, and leide it fix upon the degree of the longitude; tho sette I the point of A on my label, evene over the ecliptik ...
Melibee's Tale: 21
... book seith, that "in olde men is the sapience and in longe tyme the prudence." And Tullius seith: that "grete thinges ne been nat ay accompliced by strengthe, ne by delivernesse of body, but by good conseil, by auctoritee of persones, and by science; the whiche three thinges ne been nat feble by age, but certes they enforcen and encreesen day by day." And thanne shul ye kepe this for a general reule. First shul ye clepen to your conseil a fewe of your freendes that been especiale; for Salomon seith: "manye freendes have thou; but among a thousand chese thee oon to be thy conseillour." For ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 47
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod Melibee, 'I graunte yow, dame Prudence, that pacience is a greet vertu of perfeccioun; but every man may nat have the perfeccioun that ye seken; ne I nam nat of the nombre of right parfite men, for myn herte may never been in pees un-to the tyme it be venged. And al-be-it so that it was greet peril to myne enemys, to do me a vileinye in takinge vengeance ...
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 12
[continues previous] swiche hertes as ben y-brought to the fulle perfeccioun of vertu,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 67
In this wyse may nede be counforted by richesses; but certes, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 68
nede ne may nat all outrely ben don a-wey. For though this nede, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 144
devyne knowinge. But certes, yif thilke thinges be considered
Melibee's Tale: 21
[continues previous] ... For the book seith, that "in olde men is the sapience and in longe tyme the prudence." And Tullius seith: that "grete thinges ne been nat ay accompliced by strengthe, ne by delivernesse of body, but by good conseil, by auctoritee of persones, and by science; the whiche three thinges ne been nat feble by age, but certes they enforcen and encreesen day by day." And thanne shul ye kepe this for a general reule. First shul ye clepen to your conseil a fewe of your freendes that been especiale; for Salomon seith: "manye freendes have thou; but among a thousand ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 68
[continues previous] nede ne may nat all outrely ben don a-wey. For though this nede,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 54
'This thing thanne,' quod she, 'that ne hath nede of no [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 66
'Thilke thing thanne,' quod she, 'that is oon and simple [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 99
'Thanne,' quod she, 'ne sholden men nat by no wey seken [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 134
'Thanne,' quod she, 'for as mochel as thou hast knowen [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 79
'Thanne,' quod she, 'moten we nedes graunten and confessen [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 32
'Thanne most thou graunten,' quod she, 'by semblable resoun, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 37
'Hast thou nat knowen wel,' quod she, 'that al thing that is [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 146
'Thanne,' quod she, 'desiren alle thinges oon?' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 151
'Alle thinges thanne,' quod she, 'requiren good; and thilke [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 49
'Thanne ordeineth he by him-self al-one alle thinges?' quod she. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 114
'Thanne is yvel nothing,' quod she, 'sin that he ne may nat [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 76
'Ne thou ne doutest nat,' quod she, 'that thilke naturel office [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 79
'Thanne,' quod she, 'yif that a wight be mighty to moeve and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 167
'Is ther any wight thanne,' quod she, 'that weneth that men [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 73
'Thanne,' quod she, 'yif that any good were added to the [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 77
'And what seystow thanne,' quod she, 'of thilke wrecche that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 84
'Thanne, certes,' quod she, 'han shrewes, whan they ben [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 91
the deserte of felonye.' 'I ne may nat denye it,' quod I. 'Moche [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 92
more thanne,' quod she, 'ben shrewes unsely, whan they ben [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 168
'Yif thou were thanne,' quod she, 'y-set a Iuge or a knower of [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 24
'Demestow nat,' quod she, 'that al thing that profiteth is good?' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 1: 9
Thanne quod she, 'I haste me to yilden and assoilen to thee [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 46
'Maystow nat telle me thanne,' quod she, 'what thing is a man?'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 5: 20
of his familier. What thing is thanne this power, that may nat
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 54
[continues previous] 'This thing thanne,' quod she, 'that ne hath nede of no
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 132
[continues previous] good that is verray and parfit, that may they nat yeven.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 134
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'for as mochel as thou hast knowen
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 79
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'moten we nedes graunten and confessen
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 146
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'desiren alle thinges oon?'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 151
[continues previous] 'Alle thinges thanne,' quod she, 'requiren good; and thilke
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 49
[continues previous] 'Thanne ordeineth he by him-self al-one alle thinges?' quod she.
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 75
parties; ne the savinge of obedient thinges ne sholde nat be.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 76
'Thanne is ther nothing,' quod she, 'that kepeth his nature,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 82
'Certes,' quod I, 'al-outrely it ne mighte nat availen him.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 83
'Thanne is ther no-thing,' quod she, 'that either wole or may
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 41
'And recordeth thee nat thanne,' quod she, 'that blisfulnesse
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 73
'Thou wilt nat thanne deneye,' quod she, 'that the moevement
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 76
[continues previous] 'Ne thou ne doutest nat,' quod she, 'that thilke naturel office
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 79
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'yif that a wight be mighty to moeve and
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 167
[continues previous] 'Is ther any wight thanne,' quod she, 'that weneth that men
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 73
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'yif that any good were added to the
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 92
[continues previous] more thanne,' quod she, 'ben shrewes unsely, whan they ben
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 168
[continues previous] 'Yif thou were thanne,' quod she, 'y-set a Iuge or a knower of
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 7
me,' quod she, 'to telle thing that is grettest of alle thinges that
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 138
conseyte right thus: — man is a resonable two-foted beest. And [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 139
how so that this knowinge is universel, yet nis ther no wight that [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 48
mortal beest? I woot wel, and I confesse wel that I am it.'
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 109
leten to wilne it, and that I confesse and am aknowe; but the
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 14
'Me remembreth it wel,' quod I; 'and I confesse wel that I
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 15
ne wiste it naught. But al-be-it so that I see now from a-fer
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 2
'ne I ne see nat that men may sayn, as by right, that shrewes ne
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 26
'And certes, thilke thing that exercyseth or corigeth, profiteth?'
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 138
[continues previous] conseyte right thus: — man is a resonable two-foted beest. And
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 52
'Now woot I,' quod she, 'other cause of thy maladye, and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 31
'Forsothe,' quod she, 'than nedeth ther som-what that every [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 37
'And thou,' quod she, 'in al the plentee of thy richesses haddest [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 99
'Thanne,' quod she, 'ne sholden men nat by no wey seken [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 3
'Certes,' quod she, 'al-outrely, that alle fortune is good.' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 5
'Now understand,' quod she, 'so as alle fortune, whether so it [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 47
'Certes,' quod she, 'it folweth or comth of thinges that ben [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 37
[continues previous] 'And thou,' quod she, 'in al the plentee of thy richesses haddest [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 118
[continues previous] 'So,' quod she, 'as it semeth that blisfulnesse conteneth many [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 168
[continues previous] 'Yif thou were thanne,' quod she, 'y-set a Iuge or a knower of [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 5
[continues previous] 'Now understand,' quod she, 'so as alle fortune, whether so it [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 24
[continues previous] 'Demestow nat,' quod she, 'that al thing that profiteth is good?' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 49
'Wistestow never yit that thou were any other thing?' quod [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 37
[continues previous] 'And thou,' quod she, 'in al the plentee of thy richesses haddest
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 54
[continues previous] 'This thing thanne,' quod she, 'that ne hath nede of no
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 66
[continues previous] 'Thilke thing thanne,' quod she, 'that is oon and simple
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 99
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'ne sholden men nat by no wey seken
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 118
[continues previous] 'So,' quod she, 'as it semeth that blisfulnesse conteneth many [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 167
[continues previous] 'Is ther any wight thanne,' quod she, 'that weneth that men
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 73
[continues previous] 'Thanne,' quod she, 'yif that any good were added to the
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 98
[continues previous] 'But,' quod she, 'may any man denye that al that is right nis
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 168
[continues previous] 'Yif thou were thanne,' quod she, 'y-set a Iuge or a knower of
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 5
[continues previous] 'Now understand,' quod she, 'so as alle fortune, whether so it [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 24
[continues previous] 'Demestow nat,' quod she, 'that al thing that profiteth is good?'
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 49
[continues previous] 'Wistestow never yit that thou were any other thing?' quod
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 54
thou art; thorugh whiche I have pleynly founden the cause of
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 55
thy maladye, or elles the entree of recoveringe of thyn hele.
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 31
[continues previous] 'Forsothe,' quod she, 'than nedeth ther som-what that every
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 2
[continues previous] have seyd?' Boece. 'What thing?' quod I.
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 3
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod she, 'al-outrely, that alle fortune is good.'
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 7: 47
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod she, 'it folweth or comth of thinges that ben
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 53
that right grete. Thou hast left for to knowen thy-self, what
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 20
the libertee of free wille; the whiche thinges thou thy-self [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 21
aperceyvest wel, of what weight they ben. But for as mochel [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 54
thou art; thorugh whiche I have pleynly founden the cause of
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 52
'Now woot I,' quod she, 'other cause of thy maladye, and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 139
[continues previous] mede; for thou hast ioyned thy-self to the most excellent thing.
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 55
thy maladye, or elles the entree of recoveringe of thyn hele.
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 52
[continues previous] 'Now woot I,' quod she, 'other cause of thy maladye, and
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 58
for thou ne wost what is the ende of thinges, for-thy demestow
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 142
swiche thinges as every felonous man hath conceived in his [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 145
thinges? And yif god ne is, whennes comen gode thinges?" [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 220
me semeth that I see the felonous covines of wikked men [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 29
But sey me this: remembrest thou what is the ende of thinges, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 38
the beginning of thinges, that thou ne knowest nat what is the
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 39
ende of thinges? But swiche ben the customes of perturbaciouns,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 142
[continues previous] swiche thinges as every felonous man hath conceived in his
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 4: 221
[continues previous] habounden in Ioye and in gladnesse. And I see that every
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 30
[continues previous] and whider that the entencioun of alle kinde tendeth?'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 2: 2
soun of strenges, how that Nature, mighty, enclineth and flitteth [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 2: 3
the governements of thinges, and by whiche lawes she, purveyable, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 38
[continues previous] we han shewed apertly that alle thinges that ben parfit ben
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 7
this world be governed by foolish happes and fortunous, or [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 132
the world by the governements of bountee, and seydest, that alle
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 5: 39
tormented in this see of fortune. Thou governour, withdraw [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 7
[continues previous] this world be governed by foolish happes and fortunous, or
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 21
[continues previous] sey me this: sin that thou ne doutest nat that this world be
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 22
[continues previous] governed by god, with whiche governailes takestow hede that
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 10: 16
[continues previous] But the shyninge, by whiche the hevene is governed and whennes
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 12
[continues previous] 'By whiche governement,' quod she, 'that this world is
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 5: 38
[continues previous] a foule party, but a fayr party of so grete a werk, we ben
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 5: 39
[continues previous] tormented in this see of fortune. Thou governour, withdraw
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 3
folk thider as they biheten to leden hem. But with how grete [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 63
to maladye, but, certes, grete causes to deeth. But I thanke
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 3
[continues previous] folk thider as they biheten to leden hem. But with how grete
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 6: 9
maker, thanne nis ther no forlived wight, but-yif he norisshe
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 67
bilevest that the governinge of it nis nat subiect ne underput
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 27
othre, sin it knoweth by his propre nature nat only his subiect, as
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 28
who seith, it ne knoweth nat al-only that apertieneth properly to his
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 69
god. And ther-for doute thee no-thing; for of this litel spark
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 71
But for as moche as it is nat tyme yit of faster remedies, and
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 5: 49
now feble of thought, mightier remedies ne shullen nat yit touchen
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 1: 27
dremeth; but for as moche as thy sighte is ocupied and distorbed
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 48
ben hoot. But for as moche as for to ben holden honourable or
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 100
the erthe a-doun, but for as moche as thilke places and thilke
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 12
knowe cleerly the frelenesse of yvel, the stedefastnesse of good is
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 13
knowen. But for as moche as the fey of my sentence shal be the
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 22
him thilke goodnesse, or elles som other wight, mighte binime it
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 23
him. But for as moche as to every wight his owne propre bountee
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 55
[continues previous] to-gider al the plentee of the lyf, algates yit, for as moche as it
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 56
[continues previous] ne ceseth never for to ben in som maner, it semeth som-del to us,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 73
casten awey sothe opiniouns, they clothen hem in false opiniouns,
Parson's Tale: 80
... sholde eek serven him in alle honestee, and been attempree of hir array. I wot wel that they sholde setten hir entente to plesen hir housbondes, but nat by hir queyntise of array. Seint Ierome seith, that wyves that been apparailled in silk and in precious purpre ne mowe nat clothen hem in Iesu Crist. What seith seint Iohn eek in this matere? Seint Gregorie eek seith, that no wight seketh precious array but only for veyne glorie, to been honoured the more biforn the peple. It is a greet folye, a womman to have a fair array outward and in hir-self be ...
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 74
of which false opiniouns the derkenesse of perturbacioun wexeth [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 74
of which false opiniouns the derkenesse of perturbacioun wexeth
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 73
[continues previous] casten awey sothe opiniouns, they clothen hem in false opiniouns,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 78
deceivinge desiringes is don awey, thou mowe knowe the shyninge
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 1: 36
goodes, and torned thyn eyen to that other syde, thou mowe knowe [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 39
vilenye. And for as mochel as thou mowe knowe that thilke [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 137
semen verray goodes, now behoveth thee to knowe whennes and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 138
where thou mowe seke thilke verray blisfulnesse.' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 40
[continues previous] verray reverence ne may nat comen by thise shadewy transitorie
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 138
[continues previous] where thou mowe seke thilke verray blisfulnesse.'