Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7 to Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7 has 23 lines, and 61% of them have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in Geoffrey Chaucer. 39% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 3.09 weak matches.


Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 1

Who-so that, with overthrowinge thought, only seketh glorie of

Parson's Tale: 80

... hir entente to plesen hir housbondes, but nat by hir queyntise of array. Seint Ierome seith, that wyves that been apparailled in silk and in precious purpre ne mowe nat clothen hem in Iesu Crist. What seith seint Iohn eek in this matere? Seint Gregorie eek seith, that no wight seketh precious array but only for veyne glorie, to been honoured the more biforn the peple. It is a greet folye, a womman to have a fair array outward and in hir-self be foul inward. A wyf sholde eek be mesurable in lokinge and in beringe and in laughinge, and discreet in alle hir wordes and hir dedes. ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 10

yit, natheles, deeth despyseth alle heye glorie of fame: and deeth [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 2

fame, and weneth that it be sovereyn good: lat him loken up-on

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 10

[continues previous] yit, natheles, deeth despyseth alle heye glorie of fame: and deeth

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 48

desireth most over alle thinges, he demeth that it be the sovereyn

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 49

good; but I have defyned that blisfulnesse is the sovereyn good;

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 7

dedly yok of this worlde? For al-though that renoun y-sprad,

Prioress' Tale: 2

Is in this large worlde y-sprad — quod she: —

Prioress' Tale: 3

For noght only thy laude precious

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 6: 13

that the sonne goth aboute, from est to west. And eek this [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 76

And forthy is it that, al-though renoun, of as long tyme as ever

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 8

passinge to ferne poeples, goth by dyverse tonges; and al-though

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 6: 12

[continues previous] wawes; that is to seyn, he governed alle the poeples by ceptre imperial [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 6: 13

[continues previous] that the sonne goth aboute, from est to west. And eek this [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 9

that grete houses or kinredes shynen with clere titles of honours;

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 2: 9

men with noble or clere honours: yit semeth hem haven y-geten [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 6: 13

[continues previous] that the sonne goth aboute, from est to west. And eek this

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 10

yit, natheles, deeth despyseth alle heye glorie of fame: and deeth

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 2: 9

[continues previous] men with noble or clere honours: yit semeth hem haven y-geten

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 1

Who-so that, with overthrowinge thought, only seketh glorie of

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 2

fame, and weneth that it be sovereyn good: lat him loken up-on

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 16

the faire wordes of the fames of hem, it is nat yeven to knowe

Melibee's Tale: 12

... he, 'ther is ful many a man that cryeth "werre! werre!" that woot ful litel what werre amounteth. Werre at his biginning hath so greet an entree and so large, that every wight may entre whan him lyketh, and lightly finde werre. But, certes, what ende that shal ther-of bifalle, it is nat light to knowe. For sothly, whan that werre is ones bigonne, ther is ful many a child unborn of his moder, that shal sterve yong by-cause of that ilke werre, or elles live in sorwe and dye in wrecchednesse. And ther-fore, er that any werre biginne, men moste have greet conseil and greet ...

Parson's Tale: 57

... is lyk to a place that hath no walles; the develes may entre on every syde and sheten at him at discovert, by temptacion on every syde. This ydelnesse is the thurrok of alle wikked and vileyns thoghtes, and of alle Iangles, trufles, and of alle ordure. Certes, the hevene is yeven to hem that wol labouren, and nat to ydel folk. Eek David seith: that 'they ne been nat in the labour of men, ne they shul nat been whipped with men,' that is to seyn, in purgatorie. Certes, thanne semeth it, they shul be tormented with the devel in helle, but-if they doon penitence. [continues next]

Parson's Tale: 67

... the sinnes of the world, at regard of this sinne, am as thing of noght'; for it is the gretteste sinne that may be, after the sinne of Lucifer and Antecrist. For, by this sinne, god forleseth the chirche, and the soule that he boghte with his precious blood, by hem that yeven chirches to hem that been nat digne. For they putten in theves, that stelen the soules of Iesu Christ and destroyen his patrimoine. By swiche undigne preestes and curates han lewed men the lasse reverence of the sacraments of holy chirche; and swiche yeveres of chirches putten out the children of Crist, and putten in-to the ... [continues next]

Parson's Tale: 69

... he leseth foule his good, that ne seketh with the yifte of his good no-thing but sinne. He is lyk to an hors that seketh rather to drinken drovy or trouble water than for to drinken water of the clere welle. And for-as-muchel as they yeven ther as they sholde nat yeven, to hem aperteneth thilke malisoun that Crist shal yeven at the day of dome to hem that shullen been dampned. [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 92

fortune receiven agreablely or egaly, ne it delyteth nat in al to [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 75

cheynes that ne mowen nat be unbounden. And dignitees that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 76

ben yeven to shrewede folk nat only ne maketh hem nat digne, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 15

that hem ne reccheth nat to knowe where thilke goodes ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 108

they departen lightly, and yeven place to hem that breken or [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 109

devyden hem; but natheles, they retornen sone ayein in-to [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 17

hem that ben dede and consumpte. Liggeth thanne stille, al

Parson's Tale: 57

[continues previous] ... a place that hath no walles; the develes may entre on every syde and sheten at him at discovert, by temptacion on every syde. This ydelnesse is the thurrok of alle wikked and vileyns thoghtes, and of alle Iangles, trufles, and of alle ordure. Certes, the hevene is yeven to hem that wol labouren, and nat to ydel folk. Eek David seith: that 'they ne been nat in the labour of men, ne they shul nat been whipped with men,' that is to seyn, in purgatorie. Certes, thanne semeth it, they shul be tormented with the devel in helle, but-if they doon penitence.

Parson's Tale: 67

[continues previous] ... the sinnes of the world, at regard of this sinne, am as thing of noght'; for it is the gretteste sinne that may be, after the sinne of Lucifer and Antecrist. For, by this sinne, god forleseth the chirche, and the soule that he boghte with his precious blood, by hem that yeven chirches to hem that been nat digne. For they putten in theves, that stelen the soules of Iesu Christ and destroyen his patrimoine. By swiche undigne preestes and curates han lewed men the lasse reverence of the sacraments of holy chirche; and swiche yeveres of chirches putten out the children of Crist, and putten ...

Parson's Tale: 69

[continues previous] ... his good, that ne seketh with the yifte of his good no-thing but sinne. He is lyk to an hors that seketh rather to drinken drovy or trouble water than for to drinken water of the clere welle. And for-as-muchel as they yeven ther as they sholde nat yeven, to hem aperteneth thilke malisoun that Crist shal yeven at the day of dome to hem that shullen been dampned.

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 93

[continues previous] hem that ben anguissous. O ye mortal folk, what seke ye thanne

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 75

[continues previous] cheynes that ne mowen nat be unbounden. And dignitees that

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 76

[continues previous] ben yeven to shrewede folk nat only ne maketh hem nat digne,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 15

[continues previous] that hem ne reccheth nat to knowe where thilke goodes ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 108

[continues previous] they departen lightly, and yeven place to hem that breken or

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 109

[continues previous] devyden hem; but natheles, they retornen sone ayein in-to

Troilus and Criseyde 3: 947

Ther good thrift on that wyse gentil herte!

Troilus and Criseyde 3: 948

But liggeth stille, and taketh him right here,

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 18

outrely unknowable; ne fame ne maketh yow nat knowe. And

Friar's Tale: 142

Ne of swiche Iapes wol I nat be shriven.

Friar's Tale: 143

Stomak ne conscience ne knowe I noon;

Melibee's Tale: 35

Now sir, as to the thridde point; wher-as your olde and wise conseillours seyden, that yow ne oghte nat sodeynly ne hastily proceden in this nede, but that yow oghte purveyen and apparaillen yow in this caas with greet diligence and greet deliberacioun; trewely, I trowe that they seyden right wysly and right sooth. For Tullius seith, "in every nede, er thou biginne it, apparaille thee with greet diligence." Thanne seye ...

Parson's Tale: 76

... So faren they by wommen. For right as a free bole is y-nough for al a toun, right so is a wikked preest corrupcioun y-nough for al a parisshe, or for al a contree. Thise preestes, as seith the book, ne conne nat the misterie of preesthode to the peple, ne god ne knowe they nat; they ne helde hem nat apayd, as seith the book, of soden flesh that was to hem offred, but they toke by force the flesh that is rawe. Certes, so thise shrewes ne holden hem nat apayed of rosted flesh and sode flesh, with which the peple fedden hem in greet reverence, but they wole ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 73

avarice unstaunched; ne power ne maketh nat a man mighty

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 34

gentilesse ne maketh thee nat gentil. But certes, yif ther be [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 162

thogh that thinges by hir nature ne ben nat goode, algates, yif [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Metre 5: 8

And eek, yif that he ne knowe nat why that the hornes of the fulle [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 26

god doth, and the happe of fortune, yif men ne knowe nat the [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 142

beseken it and impetren it. And yif men wene nat that hope ne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 143

preyeres ne han no strengthes, by the necessitee of thinges to [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 219

is encharged and commaunded to yow, yif ye nil nat dissimulen; [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 19

yif ye wene to liven the longer for winde of your mortal name,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 34

[continues previous] gentilesse ne maketh thee nat gentil. But certes, yif ther be

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 162

[continues previous] thogh that thinges by hir nature ne ben nat goode, algates, yif

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 163

[continues previous] men wene that ben goode, yit ben they desired as though that

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Metre 5: 8

[continues previous] And eek, yif that he ne knowe nat why that the hornes of the fulle

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 26

[continues previous] god doth, and the happe of fortune, yif men ne knowe nat the

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 142

[continues previous] beseken it and impetren it. And yif men wene nat that hope ne

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 219

[continues previous] is encharged and commaunded to yow, yif ye nil nat dissimulen;

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 20

whan o cruel day shal ravisshe yow, thanne is the seconde deeth

Parson's Tale: 87

... to go to oure lord Iesu Crist and biknowe to him hir sinnes. The fifthe signe is, that a man or a womman be obeisant to receyven the penaunce that him is enioyned for hise sinnes; for certes Iesu Crist, for the giltes of a man, was obedient to the deeth. [continues next]

Parson's Tale: 88

The seconde condicion of verray confession is, that it be hastily doon; for certes, if a man hadde a deedly wounde, evere the lenger that he taried to warisshe him-self, the more wolde it corrupte and haste him to his deeth; and eek the wounde wolde be the wors for to hele. ... [continues next]

Troilus and Criseyde 5: 895

From hennes-forth to ravisshe any quene,

Troilus and Criseyde 5: 896

So cruel shal our wreche on hem be sene.

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 21

dwellinge un-to yow.' Glose. The first deeth he clepeth heer the

Parson's Tale: 87

[continues previous] ... to go to oure lord Iesu Crist and biknowe to him hir sinnes. The fifthe signe is, that a man or a womman be obeisant to receyven the penaunce that him is enioyned for hise sinnes; for certes Iesu Crist, for the giltes of a man, was obedient to the deeth.

Parson's Tale: 88

[continues previous] The seconde condicion of verray confession is, that it be hastily doon; for certes, if a man hadde a deedly wounde, evere the lenger that he taried to warisshe him-self, the more wolde it corrupte and haste him to his deeth; and eek the wounde wolde be the wors for to ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 22

departinge of the body and the sowle; and the seconde deeth he [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 23

clepeth, as heer, the stintinge of the renoun of fame. [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 22

departinge of the body and the sowle; and the seconde deeth he

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 21

[continues previous] dwellinge un-to yow.' Glose. The first deeth he clepeth heer the [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 22

[continues previous] departinge of the body and the sowle; and the seconde deeth he [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 23

[continues previous] clepeth, as heer, the stintinge of the renoun of fame. [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 42

'Right as in bestes,' quod she, 'whan the sowle and the body

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 4

contagious coniunccioun of the body with the sowle; and

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 23

clepeth, as heer, the stintinge of the renoun of fame.

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 21

[continues previous] dwellinge un-to yow.' Glose. The first deeth he clepeth heer the

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 7: 22

[continues previous] departinge of the body and the sowle; and the seconde deeth he