Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8 to Geoffrey Chaucer

Geoffrey Chaucer Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8 has 44 lines, and 11% of them have strong matches at magnitude 15+ in Geoffrey Chaucer. 73% of the lines have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14. 16% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.39 strong matches and 8.7 weak matches.


Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 1

Now is it no doute thanne that thise weyes ne ben a maner

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 4

harmes thise forseyde weyes ben enlaced, I shal shewe thee

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 42

ben nat parfit by the congregacioun of alle goodes; that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 43

ne ben nat weyes ne pathes that bringen men to blisfulnesse, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 131

mortal folk a maner of goodes that ne ben nat parfit; but thilke [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 90

seen apertly that it nis nat soverein. The thinges, thanne, that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 91

ben sovereinly goode, ne mowen by no wey ben dyverse. But

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 24

'The thinges thanne,' quod she, 'that ne ben no goodes

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 60

thanne nis it no doute that the goode folk ne ben mighty and

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 78

'I ne doute it nat,' quod I.

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 79

'Thanne,' quod she, 'yif that a wight be mighty to moeve and

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 194

by adversitees; and of alle thinges ther nis no doute, that

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 195

they ne ben don rightfully and ordenely, to the profit of hem to

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 1: 56

the gold ne hadde hid the gold in thilke place, the gold ne hadde

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 1: 57

nat been founde. Thise ben thanne the causes of the abregginge

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 71

ben eschued. And at the laste, yif that any wight wene a thing

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 72

to ben other weyes thanne it is, it is nat only unscience, but it is

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 13

hem, thanne ne sholde ther dwellen outrely no doute: the whiche

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 60

prescience be in thise thinges, thanne is ther no-thing that it ne

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 131

to be, it ne may ben non other weyes thanne he knoweth it to be.

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 2

misledinges to blisfulnesse, ne that they ne mowe nat leden

Melibee's Tale: 53

... werre, shal never have suffisaunce; for the richer that he is, the gretter despenses moste he make, if he wole have worship and victorie." And Salomon seith: that "the gretter richesses that a man hath, the mo despendours he hath." And dere sire, al-be-it so that for your richesses ye mowe have muchel folk, yet bihoveth it nat, ne it is nat good, to biginne werre, where-as ye mowe in other manere have pees, un-to your worship and profit. For the victories of batailles that been in this world, lyen nat in greet nombre or multitude of the peple ne in the vertu of man; but it lyth in ... [continues next]

Melibee's Tale: 64

... nat of power to maken hise amendes. And therfore we oblige and binden us and our freendes to doon al his wil and hise comandements. But peraventure he hath swich hevinesse and swich wratthe to us-ward, by-cause of our offence, that he wole enioyne us swich a peyne as we mowe nat here ne sustene. And therfore, noble lady, we biseke to your wommanly pitee, to taken swich avysement in this nede, that we, ne our freendes, be nat desherited ne destroyed thurgh our folye.' [continues next]

Parson's Tale: 67

... pasture of lambes, that is, the blisse of hevene. Now comth hasardrye with hise apurtenaunces, as tables and rafles; of which comth deceite, false othes, chydinges, and alle ravines, blaspheminge and reneyinge of god, and hate of hise neighebores, wast of godes, misspendinge of tyme, and somtyme manslaughtre. Certes, hasardours ne mowe nat been with-outen greet sinne whyles they haunte that craft. Of avarice comen eek lesinges, thefte, fals witnesse, and false othes. And ye shul understonde that thise been grete sinnes, and expres agayn the comaundements of god, as I have seyd. Fals witnesse is in word and eek in dede. In ...

Parson's Tale: 80

... by resoun. She sholde eek serven him in alle honestee, and been attempree of hir array. I wot wel that they sholde setten hir entente to plesen hir housbondes, but nat by hir queyntise of array. Seint Ierome seith, that wyves that been apparailled in silk and in precious purpre ne mowe nat clothen hem in Iesu Crist. What seith seint Iohn eek in this matere? Seint Gregorie eek seith, that no wight seketh precious array but only for veyne glorie, to been honoured the more biforn the peple. It is a greet folye, a womman to have a fair array outward and ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 123

men ne mowe nat deyen in no wyse; and eek sin it is cleer and

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 76

semeth to ben right cleer and renomed. For certes, it nedeth nat

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 77

to seye, that blisfulnesse be [nat] anguissous ne drery, ne subgit to

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 41

[continues previous] goodes, whiche that ne mowen nat yeven that they biheten, ne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 42

[continues previous] ben nat parfit by the congregacioun of alle goodes; that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 43

[continues previous] ne ben nat weyes ne pathes that bringen men to blisfulnesse,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 131

[continues previous] mortal folk a maner of goodes that ne ben nat parfit; but thilke

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 55

'But wikkede folk,' quod she, 'yif they geten the good that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 56

they desiren, they ne mowe nat be wikkede?' [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 143

pleinly, that they ne ben nat, ne han no beinge. For right as

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 188

mighten wel beren; and somme dispyse that they mowe nat [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 6

and devyded, ne that they ne wolen nat be medeled ne coupled

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 3

folk thider as they biheten to leden hem. But with how grete

Melibee's Tale: 53

[continues previous] ... have suffisaunce; for the richer that he is, the gretter despenses moste he make, if he wole have worship and victorie." And Salomon seith: that "the gretter richesses that a man hath, the mo despendours he hath." And dere sire, al-be-it so that for your richesses ye mowe have muchel folk, yet bihoveth it nat, ne it is nat good, to biginne werre, where-as ye mowe in other manere have pees, un-to your worship and profit. For the victories of batailles that been in this world, lyen nat in greet nombre or multitude of the peple ne in the vertu of ...

Melibee's Tale: 64

[continues previous] ... we be nat of power to maken hise amendes. And therfore we oblige and binden us and our freendes to doon al his wil and hise comandements. But peraventure he hath swich hevinesse and swich wratthe to us-ward, by-cause of our offence, that he wole enioyne us swich a peyne as we mowe nat here ne sustene. And therfore, noble lady, we biseke to your wommanly pitee, to taken swich avysement in this nede, that we, ne our freendes, be nat desherited ne destroyed thurgh our folye.'

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 62

fleten with-oute governour. Thise ben grete causes not only [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 63

to maladye, but, certes, grete causes to deeth. But I thanke [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 6: 1

We han wel knowen how many grete harmes and destrucciouns [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 41

[continues previous] goodes, whiche that ne mowen nat yeven that they biheten, ne

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 56

[continues previous] they desiren, they ne mowe nat be wikkede?'

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 1

Seestow nat thanne in how grete filthe thise shrewes ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 2

y-wrapped, and with which cleernesse thise good folk shynen? In [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 188

[continues previous] mighten wel beren; and somme dispyse that they mowe nat

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 189

[continues previous] beren; and thilke folk god ledeth in-to experience of himself by

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 4

harmes thise forseyde weyes ben enlaced, I shal shewe thee

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 62

[continues previous] fleten with-oute governour. Thise ben grete causes not only

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 96

I shal shewe thee shortely the poynt of sovereyne blisfulnesse.

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Metre 6: 1

[continues previous] We han wel knowen how many grete harmes and destrucciouns

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 1

Now is it no doute thanne that thise weyes ne ben a maner

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 45

is y-set, alle thinges y-treted that I trowe ben necessarie to

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 46

putten forth, I shal shewe thee the wey that shal bringen thee

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 100

now al redy to the understondinge, I shal shewe thee more thikke

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 1

[continues previous] Seestow nat thanne in how grete filthe thise shrewes ben

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 8

'Certes,' quod she, 'ne is nis nat leveful to hem, as I shal wel

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 9

shewe thee in covenable place; but natheles, yif so were that thilke

Troilus and Criseyde 4: 1281

I shal yow wel an heep of weyes shewe.

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 5

shortly. For-why yif thou enforcest thee to asemble moneye,

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 1: 80

thee to ben obeisaunt to the maneres of thy lady. Enforcest [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 1: 81

thou thee to aresten or withholden the swiftnesse and the sweigh [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 6

thou most bireven him his moneye that hath it. And yif

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 7: 10

And for-thy, yif thou wolt loken and demen sooth with cleer [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 1: 81

[continues previous] thou thee to aresten or withholden the swiftnesse and the sweigh

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 16

usage of large yevinge of him that hath yeven it. And also: yif

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 17

that al the moneye that is over-al in the worlde were gadered

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 54

the norissinge of bestes. And yif thou wolt fulfille thy nede after [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 55

that it suffyseth to nature, than is it no nede that thou seke after [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 57

litel thinges nature halt hir apayed; and yif thou wolt achoken [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 13

thinges that thou shalt forgoon sikernesse. And yif thou wolt [continues next]

Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 40

... til the prikke of F sat up-on the orisonte; thanne saw I wel that the body of Iuppiter, in his latitude of 3 degrees meridional, ascended with 14 degrees of Pisces in horoscopo. And in this maner maistow wirke with any latitude meridional, as I first seide, save in Capricorne. And yif thou wolt pleye this craft with the arysing of the mone, loke thou rekne wel hir cours houre by houre; for she ne dwelleth nat in a degree of hir longitude but a litel whyle, as thou wel knowest; but natheles, yif thou rekne hir verreye moeving by thy tables ... [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 7

thou wolt shynen with dignitees, thou most bisechen and

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 7: 10

[continues previous] And for-thy, yif thou wolt loken and demen sooth with cleer

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 54

[continues previous] the norissinge of bestes. And yif thou wolt fulfille thy nede after

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 57

[continues previous] litel thinges nature halt hir apayed; and yif thou wolt achoken

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 14

now, yif so be that dignitees and powers be yeven to goode men, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 13

[continues previous] thinges that thou shalt forgoon sikernesse. And yif thou wolt

Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 40

[continues previous] ... prikke of F sat up-on the orisonte; thanne saw I wel that the body of Iuppiter, in his latitude of 3 degrees meridional, ascended with 14 degrees of Pisces in horoscopo. And in this maner maistow wirke with any latitude meridional, as I first seide, save in Capricorne. And yif thou wolt pleye this craft with the arysing of the mone, loke thou rekne wel hir cours houre by houre; for she ne dwelleth nat in a degree of hir longitude but a litel whyle, as thou wel knowest; but natheles, yif thou rekne hir verreye moeving by thy tables houre after houre, [thou shall do ...

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 8

supplien hem that yeven tho dignitees. And yif thou coveitest

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 7

of richesses or of dignitees. And yif thou mayst shewen me

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 8

that ever any mortal man hath received any of tho thinges to

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 14

[continues previous] now, yif so be that dignitees and powers be yeven to goode men,

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 75

cheynes that ne mowen nat be unbounden. And dignitees that

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 76

ben yeven to shrewede folk nat only ne maketh hem nat digne,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 66

foule of hir wille by the filthe of shrewes, and yif that dignitees [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 9

by honour to gon biforn other folk, thou shalt defoule thy-self

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 66

[continues previous] foule of hir wille by the filthe of shrewes, and yif that dignitees

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 67

[continues previous] lesen hir shyninge by chaunginge of tymes, and yif they wexen

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 10

thorugh humblesse of axinge. Yif thou desirest power, thou

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 6: 8

Aquilon. Yif thou desirest or wolt usen grapes, ne seke thou nat,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 11

shalt by awaytes of thy subgits anoyously ben cast under manye

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 75

that is destinee. For which it is, that alle thinges that ben put

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 76

under destinee ben, certes, subgits to purviaunce, to whiche purviaunce

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 12

periles. Axest thou glorie? Thou shalt ben so destrat by aspre

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 186

ben grevous and aspre, and yit men sholden more rightfully han [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 1: 12

so that the thinges which that thou axest ben right profitable to

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 13

thinges that thou shalt forgoon sikernesse. And yif thou wolt

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 54

the norissinge of bestes. And yif thou wolt fulfille thy nede after [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 57

litel thinges nature halt hir apayed; and yif thou wolt achoken

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 1: 23

brenninge woldest thou glowen, yif thou wistest whider I wol [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 6

thou most bireven him his moneye that hath it. And yif

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 7

thou wolt shynen with dignitees, thou most bisechen and

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 185

[continues previous] han pitee of hem that han suffred and receyved the thinges that

Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 40

... til the prikke of F sat up-on the orisonte; thanne saw I wel that the body of Iuppiter, in his latitude of 3 degrees meridional, ascended with 14 degrees of Pisces in horoscopo. And in this maner maistow wirke with any latitude meridional, as I first seide, save in Capricorne. And yif thou wolt pleye this craft with the arysing of the mone, loke thou rekne wel hir cours houre by houre; for she ne dwelleth nat in a degree of hir longitude but a litel whyle, as thou wel knowest; but natheles, yif thou rekne hir verreye moeving by thy tables houre after ... [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 14

leden thy lyf in delices, every wight shal despisen thee and

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 54

[continues previous] the norissinge of bestes. And yif thou wolt fulfille thy nede after

Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 40

[continues previous] ... my riet til the prikke of F sat up-on the orisonte; thanne saw I wel that the body of Iuppiter, in his latitude of 3 degrees meridional, ascended with 14 degrees of Pisces in horoscopo. And in this maner maistow wirke with any latitude meridional, as I first seide, save in Capricorne. And yif thou wolt pleye this craft with the arysing of the mone, loke thou rekne wel hir cours houre by houre; for she ne dwelleth nat in a degree of hir longitude but a litel whyle, as thou wel knowest; but natheles, yif thou rekne hir verreye moeving ...

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 16

and brotel; that is to seyn, servaunt to thy body. Now is it

Cook's Tale: 44

So fareth it by a riotous servaunt; [continues next]

Cook's Tale: 45

It is wel lasse harm to lete him pace, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 90

Thanne is it wel sene, how wrecched is the blisfulnesse of mortal [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 26

forme, that is to seyn, the beautee of thy body, how swiftly passinge

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 17

thanne wel seen, how litel and how brotel possessioun they

Cook's Tale: 45

[continues previous] It is wel lasse harm to lete him pace,

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 90

[continues previous] Thanne is it wel sene, how wrecched is the blisfulnesse of mortal

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 25

that ne may wel seen how veyn and how flittinge a thing it

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 16

y-hid whiche that they coveiten, but ploungen hem in erthe [continues next]

Legend of Phyllis: 163

And knew how brotel and how fals he was,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 18

coveiten, that putten the goodes of the body aboven hir owne

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 42

Certes, now am I redy to referren the goodes of the body to

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 43

thise forseide thinges aboven; for it semeth that strengthe and

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 15

[continues previous] that hem ne reccheth nat to knowe where thilke goodes ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 16

[continues previous] y-hid whiche that they coveiten, but ploungen hem in erthe

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 20

or weight of body? Or mayst thou ben stronger than the bole?

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 21

Mayst thou ben swifter than the tygre? Bihold the spaces and [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 21

Mayst thou ben swifter than the tygre? Bihold the spaces and

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 20

[continues previous] or weight of body? Or mayst thou ben stronger than the bole?

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 22

the stablenesse and the swifte cours of the hevene, and stint

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 2

sooth; ne I ne may nat forsake the right swifte cours of my

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Metre 1: 1

I have, forsothe, swifte fetheres that surmounten the heighte of

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Metre 1: 2

hevene. Whan the swifte thought hath clothed it-self in tho

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 23

som-tyme to wondren on foule thinges; the which hevene, certes,

Parson's Tale: 100

Now again the shame that a man hath to shryven him, and namely, thise ypocrites that wolden been holden so parfite that they han no nede to shryven hem; agayns that shame, sholde a man thinke that, by wey of resoun, that he that hath nat been ashamed to doon foule thinges, certes him oghte nat been ashamed to do faire thinges, and that is confessiouns. A man sholde eek thinke, that god seeth and wool alle hise thoghtes and alle hise werkes; to him may no thing been hid ne covered. Men sholden eek remembren hem of the shame that is to come at the day of dome, ... [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 79

to have and to usen that may delyten hem. Certes, thise ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 21

And certes, amonges thise thinges I ne trowe nat that the [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 34

'Certes,' quod I, 'lat us adden it, yif we wolen graunten the

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 35

prince of alle thinges; for certes som-thing possessing in it-self [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 196

whom we seen thise thinges bityde. For certes, that adversitee [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 22

unknitten the knotte of this questioun. For, certes, they seyn [continues next]

Troilus and Criseyde 3: 32

Of thinges which that folk on wondren so,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 24

nis nat rather for thise thinges to ben wondred up-on, than for

Parson's Tale: 100

[continues previous] ... a man hath to shryven him, and namely, thise ypocrites that wolden been holden so parfite that they han no nede to shryven hem; agayns that shame, sholde a man thinke that, by wey of resoun, that he that hath nat been ashamed to doon foule thinges, certes him oghte nat been ashamed to do faire thinges, and that is confessiouns. A man sholde eek thinke, that god seeth and wool alle hise thoghtes and alle hise werkes; to him may no thing been hid ne covered. Men sholden eek remembren hem of the shame that is to come at the ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 31

another man, but only up-on his body, or elles up-on thinges [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 32

that ben lowere than the body, the whiche I clepe fortunous [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 79

[continues previous] to have and to usen that may delyten hem. Certes, thise ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 80

[continues previous] the thinges that men wolen and desiren to geten. And for this

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 21

[continues previous] And certes, amonges thise thinges I ne trowe nat that the

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 32

and to power, so that we demen that thise three thinges ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 126

me wel that over thilke good ther nis no-thing more to ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 128

'Thise thinges thanne,' quod she, 'that is to sey, erthely

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 34

[continues previous] good is in him. For yif god ne is swich, he ne may nat ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 35

[continues previous] prince of alle thinges; for certes som-thing possessing in it-self

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 90

seen apertly that it nis nat soverein. The thinges, thanne, that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 91

ben sovereinly goode, ne mowen by no wey ben dyverse. But

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 96

ferme by resoun; ne a more worthy thing than god may nat

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 98

'Up-on thise thinges thanne,' quod she, 'right as thise geometriens,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 1

Boece. 'I assente me,' quod I; 'for alle thise thinges ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 134

nis no-thing. And thise thinges ne shewedest thou nat with none

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 16

The whiche thing only, how worthy it is to ben wondred

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 17

up-on, thou considerest it wel thy-self certeinly. But yit to this

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 18

thing ther is yit another thing y-ioigned, more to ben wondred

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 19

up-on. For felonye is emperesse, and floureth ful of richesses;

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 41

oon and of that other, he shal lightly mowen seen, that thise two

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 42

thinges ben dyverse. For purviaunce is thilke divyne reson that

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 195

[continues previous] they ne ben don rightfully and ordenely, to the profit of hem to

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 196

[continues previous] whom we seen thise thinges bityde. For certes, that adversitee

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 22

[continues previous] unknitten the knotte of this questioun. For, certes, they seyn

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 23

[continues previous] that thing nis nat to comen for that the purviaunce of god hath

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 82

instaunce, that never ne faileth. For which it nis nat y-cleped

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 83

"previdence," but it sholde rather ben cleped "purviaunce," that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 25

the resoun by which it is governed. But the shyning of thy

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 3: 49

never so greet, it is to dispyse; for it nis governed with no leder

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 3: 50

of resoun, but it is ravisshed only by fletinge errour folyly and

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 17

ne doutedest nat that they nere governed by resoun. But owh!

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 32

[continues previous] that ben lowere than the body, the whiche I clepe fortunous

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 1

For as moche thanne as thou hast seyn, which is the forme [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 2

of good that nis nat parfit, and which is the forme of good that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 63

they weren. But thilke other forme of mankinde, that is to seyn, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 64

the forme of the body with-oute, sheweth yit that thise shrewes [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 26

forme, that is to seyn, the beautee of thy body, how swiftly passinge

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 27

I clepe precious stones, draweth it nat the eyen of folk to hem-ward,

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 28

that is to seyn, for the beautee? But certes, yif ther were

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 16

and brotel; that is to seyn, servaunt to thy body. Now is it

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 37

that, what-so it be, that is to seyn, of the goodes of thy body,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 1

[continues previous] For as moche thanne as thou hast seyn, which is the forme

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 2

[continues previous] of good that nis nat parfit, and which is the forme of good that

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 63

[continues previous] they weren. But thilke other forme of mankinde, that is to seyn,

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 64

[continues previous] the forme of the body with-oute, sheweth yit that thise shrewes

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 27

is it, and how transitorie; certes, it is more flittinge than the

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 25

that ne may wel seen how veyn and how flittinge a thing it

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 26

is? For yif the name of gentilesse be referred to renoun and

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 30

lynx, so that the lokinge of folk mighte percen thorugh the

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 32

it-self, but it with-holdeth the somme of thinges, and leseth the [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 31

thinges that with-stonden it, who-so loked thanne in the entrailes

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 32

[continues previous] it-self, but it with-holdeth the somme of thinges, and leseth the

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 33

[continues previous] singularitees. Thanne, who-so that seeketh soothnesse, he nis in

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 34

fayr, thy nature maketh nat that, but the desceivaunce of the

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 62

more ententifly thyne eyen to loken the verray goodes. But [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 63

natheles the thing that I shal telle thee yit ne sheweth nat lasse to [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 133

simple. For certes, this necessitee conditionel, the propre nature

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 134

of it ne maketh it nat, but the adieccioun of the condicioun

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 35

feblesse of the eyen that loken. But preyse the goodes of the

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 76

And forthy is it that, al-though renoun, of as long tyme as ever [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 62

[continues previous] more ententifly thyne eyen to loken the verray goodes. But

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 63

[continues previous] natheles the thing that I shal telle thee yit ne sheweth nat lasse to

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 36

body as mochel as ever thee list; so that thou knowe algates

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 76

[continues previous] And forthy is it that, al-though renoun, of as long tyme as ever

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 77

[continues previous] thee list to thinken, were thought to the regard of eternitee, that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 39

vilenye. And for as mochel as thou mowe knowe that thilke

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 37

that, what-so it be, that is to seyn, of the goodes of thy body,

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 1: 17

unfeithful, favorede me with lighte goodes, the sorowful houre,

Consolatione Philosophie 1 Metre 1: 18

that is to seyn, the deeth, hadde almost dreynt myn heved. But

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 26

forme, that is to seyn, the beautee of thy body, how swiftly passinge

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 39

by the hete of a fevere of three dayes. Of alle whiche forseyde

Parson's Tale: 26

Now been ther two maneres of Pryde; that oon of hem is with-inne the herte of man, and that other is with-oute. Of whiche soothly thise forseyde thinges, and mo than I have seyd, apertenen to pryde that is in the herte of man; and that othere speces of pryde been with-oute. But natheles that oon of thise speces of pryde is signe of that other, right as the gaye leefsel atte taverne is signe of the ... [continues next]

Parson's Tale: 27

... as strengthe, delivernesse, beautee, gentrye, franchise. Goodes of nature of the soule been good wit, sharp understondynge, subtil engin, vertu naturel, good memorie. Goodes of fortune been richesses, highe degrees of lordshipes, preisinges of the peple. Goodes of grace been science, power to suffre spirituel travaille, benignitee, vertuous contemplacion, withstondinge of temptacion, and semblable thinges. Of whiche forseyde goodes, certes it is a ful greet folye a man to pryden him in any of hem alle. Now as for to speken of goodes of nature, god woot that som-tyme we han hem in nature as muche to oure damage as to oure profit. As, for to speken of ... [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 22

torments in stede of wikkede felounes. Of alle whiche thinges [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 40

thinges I may reducen this shortly in a somme, that thise worldly

Melibee's Tale: 52

... and why burieth a man hise goodes by his grete avarice, and knoweth wel that nedes moste he dye; for deeth is the ende of every man as in this present lyf." And for what cause or enchesoun Ioyneth he him or knitteth he him so faste un-to hise goodes, that alle his wittes mowen nat disseveren him or departen him from hise goodes; and knoweth wel, or oghte knowe, that whan he is deed, he shal no-thing bere with him out of this world. And ther-fore seith seint Augustin: that "the avaricious man is likned un-to helle; that the more ... [continues next]

Parson's Tale: 26

[continues previous] Now been ther two maneres of Pryde; that oon of hem is with-inne the herte of man, and that other is with-oute. Of whiche soothly thise forseyde thinges, and mo than I have seyd, apertenen to pryde that is in the herte of man; and that othere speces of pryde been with-oute. But natheles that oon of thise speces of pryde is signe of that other, right as the gaye leefsel atte taverne is signe of the wyn that is in the ...

Parson's Tale: 27

[continues previous] ... gentrye, franchise. Goodes of nature of the soule been good wit, sharp understondynge, subtil engin, vertu naturel, good memorie. Goodes of fortune been richesses, highe degrees of lordshipes, preisinges of the peple. Goodes of grace been science, power to suffre spirituel travaille, benignitee, vertuous contemplacion, withstondinge of temptacion, and semblable thinges. Of whiche forseyde goodes, certes it is a ful greet folye a man to pryden him in any of hem alle. Now as for to speken of goodes of nature, god woot that som-tyme we han hem in nature as muche to oure damage as to oure profit. As, for ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 75

cheynes that ne mowen nat be unbounden. And dignitees that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 12

blisful by thilke thinges that they han geten. But yif so be that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 13

thilke thinges ne mowen nat performen that they bi-heten, and [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 14

that ther be defaute of manye goodes, sheweth it nat thanne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 96

tho thinges that I have shewed, that ne mowen nat yeven that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 85

thus: that ther ne mowen nat ben two soverein goodes that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 22

[continues previous] torments in stede of wikkede felounes. Of alle whiche thinges

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 102

feblesse and infirmitee of wikkede folk, that ne mowen nat comen [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 103

to that hir naturel entencioun ledeth hem, and yit almost thilke [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 151

in his nature. But thou wolt seyn, that shrewes mowen. Certes, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 152

that ne deneye I nat; but certes, hir power ne descendeth nat of [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 25

That is to seyn, that they moten bityde. But thanne, yif [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 41

goodes, whiche that ne mowen nat yeven that they biheten, ne

Melibee's Tale: 52

[continues previous] ... "wherto and why burieth a man hise goodes by his grete avarice, and knoweth wel that nedes moste he dye; for deeth is the ende of every man as in this present lyf." And for what cause or enchesoun Ioyneth he him or knitteth he him so faste un-to hise goodes, that alle his wittes mowen nat disseveren him or departen him from hise goodes; and knoweth wel, or oghte knowe, that whan he is deed, he shal no-thing bere with him out of this world. And ther-fore seith seint Augustin: that "the avaricious man is likned un-to helle; that the more it swelweth, the more desyr ...

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 21

richesses ne mowen nat passen in-to moche folke with-oute

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 75

[continues previous] cheynes that ne mowen nat be unbounden. And dignitees that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 76

[continues previous] ben yeven to shrewede folk nat only ne maketh hem nat digne, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 12

[continues previous] blisful by thilke thinges that they han geten. But yif so be that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 13

[continues previous] thilke thinges ne mowen nat performen that they bi-heten, and [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 14

[continues previous] that ther be defaute of manye goodes, sheweth it nat thanne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 64

opinioun of usaunces. Now yif that dignitees thanne ne mowen

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 65

nat maken folk digne of reverence, and yif that dignitees wexen

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 4: 70

thanne ne mowen they yeven no beautee of dignitee to non other.

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 2

misledinges to blisfulnesse, ne that they ne mowe nat leden [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 3

folk thider as they biheten to leden hem. But with how grete [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 42

ben nat parfit by the congregacioun of alle goodes; that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 43

ne ben nat weyes ne pathes that bringen men to blisfulnesse, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 96

[continues previous] tho thinges that I have shewed, that ne mowen nat yeven that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 100

blisfulnesse in swiche thinges as men wene that they ne mowen

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 101

yeven but o thing senglely of alle that men seken.'

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 131

mortal folk a maner of goodes that ne ben nat parfit; but thilke [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 132

good that is verray and parfit, that may they nat yeven.' [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 34

good is in him. For yif god ne is swich, he ne may nat ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 85

[continues previous] thus: that ther ne mowen nat ben two soverein goodes that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 13

requered of many folkes ne ben nat verray goodes ne parfite, for [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 14

they ben dyverse that oon fro that othre; and so as ech of hem [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 20

but-yif alle thise thinges ben alle oon same thing, they ne han nat [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 21

wherby that they mowen ben put in the noumber of thinges that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 73

swiche places as ben covenable to hem, in whiche places they

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 74

ne mowen nat sone dyen ne dryen, as longe as hir nature may

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 8

the thinges that thou hast graunted, it ne shal nat ben right fer [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 9

that thou ne shalt remembren thilke thing that thou seydest that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 9

by thy resouns, that they ne mowen ben overcomen. And [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 10

thilke thinges that thou toldest me, al-be-it so that I hadde [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 102

[continues previous] feblesse and infirmitee of wikkede folk, that ne mowen nat comen

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 103

[continues previous] to that hir naturel entencioun ledeth hem, and yit almost thilke

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 126

forleten they vertues and folwen vyces? Nis it nat for that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 127

ne knowen nat the goodes? But what thing is more feble and [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 131

so doth distemperaunce to feble men, that ne mowen nat wrastlen

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 132

ayeins the vyces. Ne knowen they nat thanne wel that they

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 143

pleinly, that they ne ben nat, ne han no beinge. For right as [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 151

[continues previous] in his nature. But thou wolt seyn, that shrewes mowen. Certes,

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 152

[continues previous] that ne deneye I nat; but certes, hir power ne descendeth nat of

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 153

[continues previous] strengthe, but of feblesse. For they mowen don wikkednesses;

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 154

the whiche they ne mighte nat don, yif they mighten dwellen in

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 174

don yvele thinges ne mowen nat alle thinges: thanne is it open [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 180

right as to a maner heighte of hir nature. But for to mowen don [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 181

yvel and felonye ne may nat ben referred to good. Thanne nis [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 65

manere, that shrewes ben more unsely whan they ne ben nat [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 66

punisshed, al-be-it so that ther ne be had no resoun or lawe of [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 210

maladye of corage. And so as we ne deme nat, that they that ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 115

to ben confus and trouble to us men, for we ne mowen nat considere

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 192

And som men, that ne mowen nat ben overcomen by torments, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 193

have yeven ensaumple to othre folk, that vertu may nat ben overcomen [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 222

gode folk and shrewes, ne shrewes ne mowen nat acorden amonges [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 223

hem-self. And why nat? For shrewes discorden of hem-self by [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 6

and devyded, ne that they ne wolen nat be medeled ne coupled [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 54

to comen, ther-fore ben they purveyed, nat, certes, for that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 55

ben purveyed, ther-fore ne bityde they nat. Yit natheles, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 24

[continues previous] thilke thinges that the prescience wot biforn ne mowen nat unbityde?

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 25

[continues previous] That is to seyn, that they moten bityde. But thanne, yif

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 57

purviance wot biforn to comen ne ben nat to bityden; but that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 58

ne sholden we nat demen; but rather, al-thogh that they shal [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 20

comth to beestes that ne mowen nat moeven hem-self her and

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 44

wit and imaginacioun, ne mowen nat strecchen ne enhansen hem-self

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 57

some thinges han certein and necessarie bitydinges, they ne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 58

mowen nat ben wist biforn certeinly to bityden. And thanne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 26

al-togider; for it ne hath nat the futures that ne ben nat yit, ne it [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 27

ne hath no lenger the preterits that ben y-doon or y-passed. But [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 214

put in god hope and preyeres, that ne mowen nat ben unspeedful [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 215

ne with-oute effect, whan they ben rightful. [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 42

ben nat parfit by the congregacioun of alle goodes; that they

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 15

and I envirounde thee with alle the aboundance and shyninge [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 16

of alle goodes that ben in my right. Now it lyketh me to [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 75

[continues previous] cheynes that ne mowen nat be unbounden. And dignitees that

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 76

[continues previous] ben yeven to shrewede folk nat only ne maketh hem nat digne,

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 12

mighte ben desired. Now is it cleer and certein thanne, that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 13

blisfulnesse is a parfit estat by the congregacioun of alle goodes;

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 14

the whiche blisfulnesse, as I have seyd, alle mortal folk enforcen

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 65

of alle goodes, that ne hath nede of non other thing, but that is [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 13

[continues previous] thilke thinges ne mowen nat performen that they bi-heten, and

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 15

that hem ne reccheth nat to knowe where thilke goodes ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 1

[continues previous] Now is it no doute thanne that thise weyes ne ben a maner [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 2

[continues previous] misledinges to blisfulnesse, ne that they ne mowe nat leden [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 41

[continues previous] goodes, whiche that ne mowen nat yeven that they biheten, ne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 43

[continues previous] ne ben nat weyes ne pathes that bringen men to blisfulnesse, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 96

[continues previous] tho thinges that I have shewed, that ne mowen nat yeven that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 131

[continues previous] mortal folk a maner of goodes that ne ben nat parfit; but thilke [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 132

[continues previous] good that is verray and parfit, that may they nat yeven.' [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 34

[continues previous] good is in him. For yif god ne is swich, he ne may nat ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 35

[continues previous] prince of alle thinges; for certes som-thing possessing in it-self [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 85

[continues previous] thus: that ther ne mowen nat ben two soverein goodes that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 86

[continues previous] ben dyverse amonge hem-self. For certes, the goodes that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 171

alle thinges ben requered for the grace of good, they ne ben nat [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 172

desired of alle folk more thanne the same good. But we han [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 13

[continues previous] requered of many folkes ne ben nat verray goodes ne parfite, for [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 14

[continues previous] they ben dyverse that oon fro that othre; and so as ech of hem [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 20

[continues previous] but-yif alle thise thinges ben alle oon same thing, they ne han nat [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 21

[continues previous] wherby that they mowen ben put in the noumber of thinges that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 24

'The thinges thanne,' quod she, 'that ne ben no goodes [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 25

whanne they ben dyverse, and whan they beginnen to ben alle [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 26

oon thing thanne ben they goodes, ne comth it hem nat thanne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 92

ne ther nis no man that ne wot wel that they ne [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 134

thou mayst nat drede, by no manere, that alle the thinges [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 135

that ben anywhere, that they ne requeren naturelly the ferme [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 158

alle thinges tenden and hyen, that thing moste ben the soverein [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 8

[continues previous] the thinges that thou hast graunted, it ne shal nat ben right fer [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 9

[continues previous] that thou ne shalt remembren thilke thing that thou seydest that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 9

[continues previous] by thy resouns, that they ne mowen ben overcomen. And

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 126

[continues previous] forleten they vertues and folwen vyces? Nis it nat for that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 127

[continues previous] ne knowen nat the goodes? But what thing is more feble and [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 143

[continues previous] pleinly, that they ne ben nat, ne han no beinge. For right as [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 173

[continues previous] goode thinges may don alle thinges; and they that ben mighty to

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 174

[continues previous] don yvele thinges ne mowen nat alle thinges: thanne is it open

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 181

[continues previous] yvel and felonye ne may nat ben referred to good. Thanne nis

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 65

[continues previous] manere, that shrewes ben more unsely whan they ne ben nat [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 210

[continues previous] maladye of corage. And so as we ne deme nat, that they that ben [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 211

[continues previous] syke of hir body ben worthy to ben hated, but rather worthy of [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 33

thee nat that alle thinges ben doon a-right. [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 192

[continues previous] And som men, that ne mowen nat ben overcomen by torments, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 193

[continues previous] have yeven ensaumple to othre folk, that vertu may nat ben overcomen [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 194

[continues previous] by adversitees; and of alle thinges ther nis no doute, that

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 222

[continues previous] gode folk and shrewes, ne shrewes ne mowen nat acorden amonges

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 223

[continues previous] hem-self. And why nat? For shrewes discorden of hem-self by

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 5

[continues previous] bitwixen the purviaunce of god and free wil, that they ben singuler [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 6

[continues previous] and devyded, ne that they ne wolen nat be medeled ne coupled [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 54

[continues previous] to comen, ther-fore ben they purveyed, nat, certes, for that they [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 55

[continues previous] ben purveyed, ther-fore ne bityde they nat. Yit natheles, [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 57

[continues previous] purviance wot biforn to comen ne ben nat to bityden; but that [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 5: 58

[continues previous] mowen nat ben wist biforn certeinly to bityden. And thanne

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 26

[continues previous] al-togider; for it ne hath nat the futures that ne ben nat yit, ne it [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 214

[continues previous] put in god hope and preyeres, that ne mowen nat ben unspeedful [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 43

ne ben nat weyes ne pathes that bringen men to blisfulnesse,

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 2: 16

[continues previous] of alle goodes that ben in my right. Now it lyketh me to

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 88

neither they ne ioignen hem nat alwey to goode men, ne maken [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 65

[continues previous] of alle goodes, that ne hath nede of non other thing, but that is

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 76

semeth to ben right cleer and renomed. For certes, it nedeth nat

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 2: 77

to seye, that blisfulnesse be [nat] anguissous ne drery, ne subgit to

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Metre 8: 15

[continues previous] that hem ne reccheth nat to knowe where thilke goodes ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 1

[continues previous] Now is it no doute thanne that thise weyes ne ben a maner [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 2

[continues previous] misledinges to blisfulnesse, ne that they ne mowe nat leden [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 41

[continues previous] goodes, whiche that ne mowen nat yeven that they biheten, ne

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 42

[continues previous] ben nat parfit by the congregacioun of alle goodes; that they

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 99

'Thanne,' quod she, 'ne sholden men nat by no wey seken

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 100

blisfulnesse in swiche thinges as men wene that they ne mowen

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 131

[continues previous] mortal folk a maner of goodes that ne ben nat parfit; but thilke

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 34

[continues previous] good is in him. For yif god ne is swich, he ne may nat ben

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 45

'This take I wel,' quod I, 'ne this ne may nat ben withseid

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 85

[continues previous] thus: that ther ne mowen nat ben two soverein goodes that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 86

[continues previous] ben dyverse amonge hem-self. For certes, the goodes that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 103

of blisfulnesse men ben maked blisful, and blisfulnesse is [continues next]

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 171

[continues previous] alle thinges ben requered for the grace of good, they ne ben nat

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 13

[continues previous] requered of many folkes ne ben nat verray goodes ne parfite, for

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 14

[continues previous] they ben dyverse that oon fro that othre; and so as ech of hem

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 20

[continues previous] but-yif alle thise thinges ben alle oon same thing, they ne han nat

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 21

[continues previous] wherby that they mowen ben put in the noumber of thinges that

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 24

[continues previous] 'The thinges thanne,' quod she, 'that ne ben no goodes

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 25

[continues previous] whanne they ben dyverse, and whan they beginnen to ben alle

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 26

[continues previous] oon thing thanne ben they goodes, ne comth it hem nat thanne

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 92

[continues previous] ne ther nis no man that ne wot wel that they ne

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 93

[continues previous] ben right as a foundement and edifice, for to duren nat only

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 135

[continues previous] that ben anywhere, that they ne requeren naturelly the ferme

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 158

[continues previous] alle thinges tenden and hyen, that thing moste ben the soverein

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 8

[continues previous] the thinges that thou hast graunted, it ne shal nat ben right fer

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 9

[continues previous] that thou ne shalt remembren thilke thing that thou seydest that

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 1: 38

never-mo with-oute peyne, ne the vertues ne ben nat with-oute

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 126

[continues previous] forleten they vertues and folwen vyces? Nis it nat for that they

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 127

[continues previous] ne knowen nat the goodes? But what thing is more feble and

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 140

partye of men, ne ben nat ne han no beinge; but natheles, it is so,

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 2: 143

[continues previous] pleinly, that they ne ben nat, ne han no beinge. For right as

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 3: 81

dredeth thinges that ne oughten nat to ben dred, men shal holden

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 65

[continues previous] manere, that shrewes ben more unsely whan they ne ben nat

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 66

[continues previous] punisshed, al-be-it so that ther ne be had no resoun or lawe of

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 4: 210

[continues previous] maladye of corage. And so as we ne deme nat, that they that ben

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 32

[continues previous] the gode governour, atempreth and governeth the world, ne doute

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 5: 33

[continues previous] thee nat that alle thinges ben doon a-right.

Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 192

[continues previous] And som men, that ne mowen nat ben overcomen by torments,

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 5

[continues previous] bitwixen the purviaunce of god and free wil, that they ben singuler

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 3: 6

[continues previous] and devyded, ne that they ne wolen nat be medeled ne coupled

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 7

of libertee. For yif so be that god loketh alle thinges biforn, ne

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 8

god ne may nat ben desseived in no manere, than mot it nedes

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 54

[continues previous] to comen, ther-fore ben they purveyed, nat, certes, for that they

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 55

[continues previous] ben purveyed, ther-fore ne bityde they nat. Yit natheles,

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 17

that thilke resouns of hem that assoilen this questioun ne ben

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 18

nat speedful y-nough ne sufficient: the whiche solucioun, or the

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 52

y-sustened by stidefast resoun, ne shal nat ben lad ne proeved by

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 57

[continues previous] purviance wot biforn to comen ne ben nat to bityden; but that

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 4: 58

[continues previous] ne sholden we nat demen; but rather, al-thogh that they shal

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 26

[continues previous] al-togider; for it ne hath nat the futures that ne ben nat yit, ne it

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 27

[continues previous] ne hath no lenger the preterits that ben y-doon or y-passed. But

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 214

[continues previous] put in god hope and preyeres, that ne mowen nat ben unspeedful

Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 215

[continues previous] ne with-oute effect, whan they ben rightful.

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 44

ne maken men to ben blisful.

Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 6: 88

[continues previous] neither they ne ioignen hem nat alwey to goode men, ne maken

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 1

[continues previous] Now is it no doute thanne that thise weyes ne ben a maner

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 8: 2

[continues previous] misledinges to blisfulnesse, ne that they ne mowe nat leden

Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 10: 103

[continues previous] of blisfulnesse men ben maked blisful, and blisfulnesse is