Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer Legend of Good Women Prologue A to Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer Legend of Good Women Prologue A has 545 lines, and 81% of them have strong matches at magnitude 15+ in Geoffrey Chaucer. 14% of the lines have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14. 5% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 1.61 strong matches and 3.35 weak matches.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A
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Geoffrey Chaucer
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Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 2: 1
'This understonde I wel,' quod I, 'and I acorde wel that it is
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 6
delices I not what Ioye may ben had of hir moevinge. But this [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 7
wot I wel, that who-so-ever wole remembren him of hise luxures, [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 92
ne ther nis no man that ne wot wel that they ne [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 21
wene that it were to doute; as who seith, but I wot wel that god [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 22
governeth this world; and I shal shortly answeren thee by what [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 339
[continues previous] If that thou live, thou shalt repenten this
Melibee's Tale: 31
... that it kepeth." Now sir, thanne shul ye committe the keping of your persone to your trewe freendes that been approved and y-knowe; and of hem shul ye axen help your persone for to kepe. For Catoun seith: "if thou hast nede of help, axe it of thy freendes; for ther nis noon so good a phisicien as thy trewe freend." And after this, thanne shul ye kepe yow fro alle straunge folk, and fro lyeres, and have alwey in suspect hir companye. For Piers Alfonce seith: "ne tak no companye by the weye of a straunge man, but-if so be that thou ...
Parson's Tale: 10
... corrupt. And why? For, certes, alle our thoghtes been discovered as to him; ne for preyere ne for mede he shal nat been corrupt. And therfore seith Salomon: 'the wratthe of god ne wol nat spare no wight, for preyere ne for yifte'; and therfore, at the day of doom, ther nis noon hope to escape. Wherfore, as seith Seint Anselm: 'ful greet angwissh shul the sinful folk have at that tyme; ther shal the sterne and wrothe Iuge sitte above, and under him the horrible put of helle open to destroyen him that moot biknowen hise sinnes, whiche sinnes openly been shewed ...
Parson's Tale: 35
... swereth with his mouth, or elles taketh on him the name of Crist, to be called a Cristene man, and liveth agayns Cristes livinge and his techinge, alle they taken goddes name in ydel. Loke eek what seint Peter seith, Actuum quarto capitulo, 'Non est aliud nomen sub celo,' &c. 'Ther nis noon other name,' seith seint Peter, 'under hevene, yeven to men, in which they mowe be saved;' that is to seyn, but the name of Iesu Crist. Take kepe eek how that the precious name of Crist, as seith seint Paul ad Philipenses secundo, 'In nomine Iesu, &c.: that in the ...
Parson's Tale: 67
... procuringe, or by fleshly preyere of hise freendes, fleshly freendes, or espirituel freendes. Fleshly, in two maneres; as by kinrede or othere freendes. Soothly, if they praye for him that is nat worthy and able, it is Symonye if he take the benefice; and if he be worthy and able, ther nis noon. That other manere is, whan a man or womman preyen for folk to avauncen hem, only for wikked fleshly affeccioun that they have un-to the persone; and that is foul Symonye. But certes, in service, for which men yeven thinges espirituels un-to hir servants, it moot been understonde that the service ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 7
[continues previous] wot I wel, that who-so-ever wole remembren him of hise luxures,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 21
[continues previous] wene that it were to doute; as who seith, but I wot wel that god
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 79
science ne may nat ben non other weys than as it is conceived.
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 131
[continues previous] to be, it ne may ben non other weyes thanne he knoweth it to be.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 347
Of som persone, and durste hit nat with-seye; [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 8
[continues previous] But as he hath herd seyd, or founde hit writen;
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 77
[continues previous] with falsnesse (as who seyth, that yif I wot a thing, it ne may nat
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 3: 74
Wherfore, yif any thing be so to comen, that the bitydinge of hit [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 14
[continues previous] For, god wot, thing is never the lasse sooth,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 18
Through which that olde thinges been in minde. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 55
'Whan I considere,' quod I, 'manye thinges, I see non other.'
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 56
'Is ther any-thing thanne,' quod she, 'that, in as moche as it
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 84
[continues previous] Ther as ther lyth non other assay by preve.
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 5
that may be thyn in any tyme, or elles that it nis foul, yif that it
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 119
[continues previous] That from the panter and the net ben scaped,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 131
[continues previous] That from the panter and the net ben scaped,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 38
[continues previous] And that the floures ginnen for to springe,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 42
Than love I most these floures whyte and rede, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 36
[continues previous] Save, certeynly, whan that the month of May
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 48
[continues previous] To seen this flour agein the sonne sprede,
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 7
To knowe the arch of the day, that some folk callen the day artificial, from the sonne arysing til hit go to reste. Set the degree of thy sonne up-on thyn est orisonte, and ley thy label on the degree of the sonne, and at the poynt of thy label in the bordure set a prikke. Turn thanne thy riet aboute til the degree of the sonne sit up-on the west orisonte, and ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 123
[continues previous] For hit surmounteth pleynly alle odoures,
Parson's Tale: 84
Now after that I have declared yow, as I can, the sevene deedly sinnes, and somme of hir braunches and hir remedies, soothly, if I coude, I wolde telle yow the ten comandements. But so heigh a doctrine I lete to divines. Nathelees, I hope to god they been touched in this tretice, everich of hem alle.
Melibee's Tale: 46
... man seketh to have by pacience in tribulaciouns is perdurable, after that the apostle seith in his epistle: "the Ioye of god," he seith, "is perdurable," that is to seyn, everlastinge. Also troweth and bileveth stedefastly, that he nis nat wel y-norissed ne wel y-taught, that can nat have pacience or wol nat receyve pacience. For Salomon seith: that "the doctrine and the wit of a man is knowen by pacience." And in another place he seith: that "he that is pacient governeth him by greet prudence." And the same Salomon seith: "the angry and wrathful man maketh noyses, and the ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 46
[continues previous] ... been and goon. And the Ioye that a man seketh to have by pacience in tribulaciouns is perdurable, after that the apostle seith in his epistle: "the Ioye of god," he seith, "is perdurable," that is to seyn, everlastinge. Also troweth and bileveth stedefastly, that he nis nat wel y-norissed ne wel y-taught, that can nat have pacience or wol nat receyve pacience. For Salomon seith: that "the doctrine and the wit of a man is knowen by pacience." And in another place he seith: that "he that is pacient governeth him by greet prudence." And the same Salomon seith: "the angry and wrathful man maketh noyses, ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 193
[continues previous] Ne I not who serveth leef, ne who the flour;
Melibee's Tale: 56
Thanne bigan dame Prudence to maken semblant of wratthe, and seyde, 'certes, sir, sauf your grace, I love your honour and your profit as I do myn owene, and ever have doon; ne ye ne noon other syen never the contrarie. And yit, if I hadde seyd that ye sholde han purchaced the pees and the reconsiliacioun, I ne hadde nat muchel mistaken me, ne seyd amis. For the wyse man seith: "the dissensioun biginneth by another man, and the reconsiling bi-ginneth by thy-self." And the ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 56
[continues previous] Thanne bigan dame Prudence to maken semblant of wratthe, and seyde, 'certes, sir, sauf your grace, I love your honour and your profit as I do myn owene, and ever have doon; ne ye ne noon other syen never the contrarie. And yit, if I hadde seyd that ye sholde han purchaced the pees and the reconsiliacioun, I ne hadde nat muchel mistaken me, ne seyd amis. For the wyse man seith: "the dissensioun biginneth by another man, and the reconsiling bi-ginneth by thy-self." And the prophete seith: "flee shrewednesse and do goodnesse; ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 193
[continues previous] Ne I not who serveth leef, ne who the flour;
Treatise on the Astrolabe Prologue: 1
... of the Astrolabie, con me the more thank; and preye god save the king, that is lord of this langage, and alle that him feyth bereth and obeyeth, everech in his degree, the more and the lasse. But considere wel, that I ne usurpe nat to have founde this werk of my labour or of myn engin. I nam but a lewd compilatour of the labour of olde Astrologiens, and have hit translated in myn English only for thy doctrine; and with this swerd shal I sleen envye. [continues next]
Treatise on the Astrolabe Prologue: 1
[continues previous] ... commune tretis of the Astrolabie, con me the more thank; and preye god save the king, that is lord of this langage, and alle that him feyth bereth and obeyeth, everech in his degree, the more and the lasse. But considere wel, that I ne usurpe nat to have founde this werk of my labour or of myn engin. I nam but a lewd compilatour of the labour of olde Astrologiens, and have hit translated in myn English only for thy doctrine; and with this swerd shal I sleen envye.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 197
[continues previous] Whan that the sonne out of the south gan weste,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 97
[continues previous] But wherfor that I spak, to give credence
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 28
[continues previous] Ther-as ther is non other assay by preve.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 29
[continues previous] And, as for me, though that my wit be lyte,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 29
[continues previous] And as for me, thogh that I can but lyte,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 197
Whan that the sonne out of the south gan weste, [continues next]
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 3
... the lyne of midday, 18 degres of heighte taken by my rewle on the bak-syde. Tho sette I the centre of this Alhabor up-on 18 degrees among myn almikanteras, up-on the west syde; by-cause that she was founden on the west syde. Tho leide I my label over the degree of the sonne that was descended under the weste orisonte, and rikened alle the lettres capitals fro the lyne of midday un-to the point of my label in the bordure; and fond that it was passed 8 of the clokke the space of 2 degrees. Tho loked I doun up-on myn est orisonte, and fond ther 23 degrees of ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 211
[continues previous] To seen this flour that I so love and drede.
Melibee's Tale: 31
... harm, and blesse him that seith to thee harm." And in manye othere places he amonesteth pees and accord. But now wol I speke to yow of the conseil which that was yeven to yow by the men of lawe and the wyse folk, that seyden alle by oon accord as ye han herd bifore; that, over alle thynges, ye sholde doon your diligence to kepen your persone and to warnestore your hous. And seyden also, that in this caas ye oghten for to werken ful avysely and with greet deliberacioun. And sir, as to the firste point, that toucheth to the keping of your persone; ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 123
[continues previous] For hit surmounteth pleynly alle odoures,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 174
Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 242
Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 174
[continues previous] Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 128
[continues previous] Now hath the atempre sonne al that releved
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 242
[continues previous] Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 38
[continues previous] And that the floures ginne for to springe,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 141
[continues previous] In worshipinge and preisinge of hir make.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 150
[continues previous] To love, and diden hir other observaunces
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 236
[continues previous] And aungellyke his winges saugh I sprede.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 174
[continues previous] Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 152
[continues previous] Swich were the floures of hir coroun whyte.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 220
[continues previous] So were the florouns of hir coroun whyte;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 223
[continues previous] For which the whyte coroun, above the grene,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 227
[continues previous] In silke, enbrouded ful of grene greves,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 232
Therwith me thoughte his face shoon so brighte [continues next]
Legend of Hypsipyle and Medea: 61
That had a flees of gold, that shoon so brighte, [continues next]
Legend of Hypsipyle and Medea: 61
[continues previous] That had a flees of gold, that shoon so brighte,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 80
[continues previous] mighte it availen at the laste ayeins him, that we han graunted to
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 102
laste? For yif it so be that men dyen in al, that is to seyn, body
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 228
First sat the god of love, and than this quene [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 242
Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 302
First sat the god of love, and sith his quene [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 228
[continues previous] First sat the god of love, and than this quene
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 244
That in this world, thogh that men wolde seke, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 302
[continues previous] First sat the god of love, and sith his quene
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 242
[continues previous] Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene,
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 5: 2
som of hem han hir bodies straught and crepen in the dust, and [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Metre 5: 3
[continues previous] drawen after hem a tras or a foruh y-continued; that is to seyn, as
Melibee's Tale: 24
... proverbe seith: "he that to muche embraceth, distreyneth litel." And Catoun seith: "assay to do swich thing as thou hast power to doon, lest that the charge oppresse thee so sore, that thee bihoveth to weyve thing that thou hast bigonne." And if so be that thou be in doute, whether thou mayst parfourne a thing or noon, chese rather to suffre than biginne. And Piers Alphonce seith: "if thou hast might to doon a thing of which thou most repente thee, it is bettre 'nay' than 'ye';" this is to seyn, that thee is bettre holde thy tonge stille, than for to speke. Thanne may ye understonde ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 295
[continues previous] And kneled doun, as it were for the nones,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 296
[continues previous] And songen with o vois, 'Hele and honour
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 257
[continues previous] Lavyne; and thou, Lucresse of Rome toun,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 261
[continues previous] And thou, Tisbe, that hast of love swich peyne;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 267
[continues previous] Maketh of your trouthe neyther boost ne soun;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 119
[continues previous] That was with floures swote enbrouded al,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 173
[continues previous] Hir swote breth, and made hem for to sprede,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 174
Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 523
Therwith this quene wex reed for shame a lyte, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 242
Corouned with whyte, and clothed al in grene, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 535
Therwith this quene wex reed for shame a lyte, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 522
[continues previous] In stede of rubies, set among the whyte.'
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 534
[continues previous] In stede of rubies, set among the whyte.'
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 302
[continues previous] First sat the god of love, and sith his quene
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 310
[continues previous] As stille as any stoon; til at the laste,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 315
[continues previous] And salued him. Quod he, 'what dostow heer
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 320
'For thou,' quod he, 'art ther-to nothing able. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 6: 4
glorie," quod he, "thou art nothing elles to thousandes of folkes
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 318
[continues previous] A worm to neghen neer my flour than thou.'
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 319
[continues previous] 'And why, sir,' quod I, 'and hit lyke yow?'
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 327
[continues previous] To serve Love. Thou mayst hit nat denye;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 328
[continues previous] For in pleyn text, with-outen nede of glose,
Melibee's Tale: 31
... for wikked speche; but do wel to him that dooth thee harm, and blesse him that seith to thee harm." And in manye othere places he amonesteth pees and accord. But now wol I speke to yow of the conseil which that was yeven to yow by the men of lawe and the wyse folk, that seyden alle by oon accord as ye han herd bifore; that, over alle thynges, ye sholde doon your diligence to kepen your persone and to warnestore your hous. And seyden also, that in this caas ye oghten for to werken ful avysely and with greet ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 31
[continues previous] ... wikked speche; but do wel to him that dooth thee harm, and blesse him that seith to thee harm." And in manye othere places he amonesteth pees and accord. But now wol I speke to yow of the conseil which that was yeven to yow by the men of lawe and the wyse folk, that seyden alle by oon accord as ye han herd bifore; that, over alle thynges, ye sholde doon your diligence to kepen your persone and to warnestore your hous. And seyden also, that in this caas ye oghten for to werken ful avysely and with greet deliberacioun. And sir, as ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 332
And of Criseyde thou hast seyd as thee liste, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 332
[continues previous] And of Criseyde thou hast seyd as thee liste,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 316
Thou shalt repente hit, that hit shal be sene!' [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 332
And of Criseyde thou hast seyd as thee liste, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 529
[continues previous] Let be the chaf, and wryt wel of the corn.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 555
[continues previous] Ben in thy balade, if thou canst hem knowe,
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 53
that right grete. Thou hast left for to knowen thy-self, what
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 87
with stryvinge wordes another man, the whiche, nat for usage of [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 88
verray vertu but for proud veine glorie, had taken up-on him [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 28
Now been ther generale signes of gentilesse; as eschewinge of vyce and ribaudye and servage of sinne, in word, in werk, and contenance; and usinge vertu, curteisye, and clennesse, and to be liberal, that is to seyn, large by mesure; for thilke that passeth mesure is folye and sinne. Another is, to remembre him of bountee that he of other folk hath receyved. Another is, to be benigne to hise goode subgetis; wherfore, as seith Senek, 'ther is no-thing more ... [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 87
[continues previous] with stryvinge wordes another man, the whiche, nat for usage of [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 28
[continues previous] Now been ther generale signes of gentilesse; as eschewinge of vyce and ribaudye and servage of sinne, in word, in werk, and contenance; and usinge vertu, curteisye, and clennesse, and to be liberal, that is to seyn, large by mesure; for thilke that passeth mesure is folye and sinne. Another is, to remembre him of bountee that he of other folk hath receyved. Another is, to be benigne to hise goode subgetis; wherfore, as seith Senek, 'ther is no-thing more ...
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 87
[continues previous] with stryvinge wordes another man, the whiche, nat for usage of
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 7: 88
[continues previous] verray vertu but for proud veine glorie, had taken up-on him
Melibee's Tale: 29
... feyned conseillours; ne ye han nat knowe the wil of your trewe freendes olde and wyse; but ye han cast alle hir wordes in an hochepot, and enclyned your herte to the more part and to the gretter nombre; and ther been ye condescended. And sith ye wot wel that men shal alwey finde a gretter nombre of foles than of wyse men, and therfore the conseils that been at congregaciouns and multitudes of folk, ther-as men take more reward to the nombre than to the sapience of persones, ye see wel that in swiche conseillinges foles han the maistrie.' Melibeus answerde agayn, and ... [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 44
... a traytour. For he deceyveth him that trusteth in him, ut Achitofel ad Absolonem. But natheless, yet is his wikked conseil first agayn him-self. For, as seith the wyse man, every fals livinge hath this propertee in him-self, that he that wole anoye another man, he anoyeth first him-self. And men shul understonde, that man shal nat taken his conseil of fals folk, ne of angry folk, or grevous folk, ne of folk that loven specially to muchel hir owene profit, ne to muche worldly folk, namely, in conseilinge of soules. [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 95
geten him sovereyn blisfulnesse; but that shal he nat finde in
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 96
tho thinges that I have shewed, that ne mowen nat yeven that
Melibee's Tale: 29
[continues previous] ... your feyned conseillours; ne ye han nat knowe the wil of your trewe freendes olde and wyse; but ye han cast alle hir wordes in an hochepot, and enclyned your herte to the more part and to the gretter nombre; and ther been ye condescended. And sith ye wot wel that men shal alwey finde a gretter nombre of foles than of wyse men, and therfore the conseils that been at congregaciouns and multitudes of folk, ther-as men take more reward to the nombre than to the sapience of persones, ye see wel that in swiche conseillinges foles han the maistrie.' Melibeus answerde agayn, and seyde: ...
Parson's Tale: 44
[continues previous] ... he deceyveth him that trusteth in him, ut Achitofel ad Absolonem. But natheless, yet is his wikked conseil first agayn him-self. For, as seith the wyse man, every fals livinge hath this propertee in him-self, that he that wole anoye another man, he anoyeth first him-self. And men shul understonde, that man shal nat taken his conseil of fals folk, ne of angry folk, or grevous folk, ne of folk that loven specially to muchel hir owene profit, ne to muche worldly folk, namely, in conseilinge of soules.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 485
[continues previous] That weren trewe in lovinge al hir lyves;
Melibee's Tale: 36
... certes, sir, as I have seyd biforn, ye han greetly erred to han cleped swich maner folk to your conseil; which conseillours been y-nogh repreved by the resouns afore-seyd. But nathelees, lat us now descende to the special. Ye shuln first procede after the doctrine of Tullius. Certes, the trouthe of this matere or of this conseil nedeth nat diligently enquere; for it is wel wist whiche they been that han doon to yow this trespas and vileinye, and how manye trespassours, and in what manere they han to yow doon al this wrong and al this vileinye. And after this, thanne shul ye examine ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 36
[continues previous] ... ye han greetly erred to han cleped swich maner folk to your conseil; which conseillours been y-nogh repreved by the resouns afore-seyd. But nathelees, lat us now descende to the special. Ye shuln first procede after the doctrine of Tullius. Certes, the trouthe of this matere or of this conseil nedeth nat diligently enquere; for it is wel wist whiche they been that han doon to yow this trespas and vileinye, and how manye trespassours, and in what manere they han to yow doon al this wrong and al this vileinye. And after this, thanne shul ye examine the seconde condicioun, which ...
Melibee's Tale: 31
'Lo, lo!' quod dame Prudence, 'how lightly is every man enclyned to his owene desyr and to his owene plesaunce! Certes,' quod she, 'the wordes of the phisiciens ne sholde nat han been understonden in this wyse. For certes, wikkednesse is nat contrarie to wikkednesse, ne vengeaunce to vengeaunce, ne wrong to wrong; but they been semblable. And therfore, o vengeaunce is nat warisshed by another vengeaunce, ne o wrong by another wrong; but everich of hem encreesceth and aggreggeth other. But ... [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 1: 61
delver of the feeld ne understoden nat that the gold sholde han [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 6: 46
Ne it ne sholde nat semen to us, that god is elder thanne [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 31
[continues previous] 'Lo, lo!' quod dame Prudence, 'how lightly is every man enclyned to his owene desyr and to his owene plesaunce! Certes,' quod she, 'the wordes of the phisiciens ne sholde nat han been understonden in this wyse. For certes, wikkednesse is nat contrarie to wikkednesse, ne vengeaunce to vengeaunce, ne wrong to wrong; but they been semblable. And therfore, o vengeaunce is nat warisshed by another vengeaunce, ne o wrong by another wrong; but everich of hem encreesceth and aggreggeth other. ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 75
parties; ne the savinge of obedient thinges ne sholde nat be.'
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 362
[continues previous] And eek, paraunter, for this man is nyce,
Parson's Tale: 24
... is he that wol nat been y-taught ne undernome of his vyce, and by stryf werreieth trouthe witingly, and deffendeth his folye. Contumax, is he that thurgh his indignacion is agayns everich auctoritee or power of hem that been hise sovereyns. Presumpcion, is whan a man undertaketh an empryse that him oghte nat do, or elles that he may nat do; and that is called Surquidrie. Irreverence, is whan men do nat honour thereas hem oghte to doon, and waiten to be reverenced. Pertinacie, is whan man deffendeth his folye, and trusteth to muchel in his owene wit. Veyne glorie, is for ... [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 350
[continues previous] This man to you may falsly been accused,
Parson's Tale: 24
[continues previous] ... Impacient, is he that wol nat been y-taught ne undernome of his vyce, and by stryf werreieth trouthe witingly, and deffendeth his folye. Contumax, is he that thurgh his indignacion is agayns everich auctoritee or power of hem that been hise sovereyns. Presumpcion, is whan a man undertaketh an empryse that him oghte nat do, or elles that he may nat do; and that is called Surquidrie. Irreverence, is whan men do nat honour thereas hem oghte to doon, and waiten to be reverenced. Pertinacie, is whan man deffendeth his folye, and trusteth to muchel in his owene wit. Veyne glorie, is for to have pompe and delyt ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 365
[continues previous] Him rekketh noght of what matere he take;
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 8
But as he hath herd seyd, or founde hit writen; [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 8
But as he hath herd seyd, or founde hit writen; [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 365
[continues previous] Him rekketh noght of what matere he take;
Parson's Tale: 22
Now sith man understondeth generally, which is venial sinne, thanne is it covenable to tellen specially of sinnes whiche that many a man per-aventure ne demeth hem nat sinnes, and ne shryveth him nat of the same thinges; and yet nathelees they been sinnes. Soothly, as thise clerkes wryten, this is to seyn, that at every tyme that a man eteth or drinketh more than suffyseth to the sustenaunce of his body, in certein he dooth sinne. And eek whan he speketh more than nedeth, it is sinne. Eke whan he herkneth nat benignely the compleint of the povre. Eke whan he is in ... [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 22
[continues previous] Now sith man understondeth generally, which is venial sinne, thanne is it covenable to tellen specially of sinnes whiche that many a man per-aventure ne demeth hem nat sinnes, and ne shryveth him nat of the same thinges; and yet nathelees they been sinnes. Soothly, as thise clerkes wryten, this is to seyn, that at every tyme that a man eteth or drinketh more than suffyseth to the sustenaunce of his body, in certein he dooth sinne. And eek whan he speketh more than nedeth, it is sinne. Eke whan he herkneth nat benignely the compleint of the povre. Eke whan he is in ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 371
[continues previous] As thogh that he of malice wolde endyten
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 372
[continues previous] Despyt of love, and had him-self hit wroght.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 378
[continues previous] As is a fermour, to doon the harm he can.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 184
[continues previous] As, whan tyme is, her-after ye shal here.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 185
[continues previous] Byhind this god of love, up-on this grene,
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 5: 53
is that, with-outen doute, the frutes of the erthe owen to ben to
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 387
For they ben half-goddes in this world here — [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 385
[continues previous] As hit is right and skilful that they be
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 387
[continues previous] For they ben half-goddes in this world here —
Melibee's Tale: 77
'Certes,' quod dame Prudence, 'this were a cruel sentence, and muchel agayn resoun. For ye been riche y-nough, and han no nede of other mennes good; and ye mighte lightly in this wyse gete yow a coveitous name, which is a vicious thing, and oghte been eschewed of every good man. For after the sawe of the word of the apostle: "coveitise is rote of alle harmes." And therfore, it were bettre for yow to lese so muchel good of your owene, than for to taken of hir good in this manere. For bettre it is ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 77
[continues previous] 'Certes,' quod dame Prudence, 'this were a cruel sentence, and muchel agayn resoun. For ye been riche y-nough, and han no nede of other mennes good; and ye mighte lightly in this wyse gete yow a coveitous name, which is a vicious thing, and oghte been eschewed of every good man. For after the sawe of the word of the apostle: "coveitise is rote of alle harmes." And therfore, it were bettre for yow to lese so muchel good of your owene, than for to taken of hir good in this manere. For bettre it is to lesen good ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 402
[continues previous] And, for a lord, that is ful foul to use.
Parson's Tale: 10
... helle. For as seint Ierome seith: 'at every tyme that me remembreth of the day of dome, I quake; for whan I ete or drinke, or what-so that I do, evere semeth me that the trompe sowneth in myn ere: riseth up, ye that been dede, and cometh to the Iugement.' O gode god, muchel oghte a man to drede swich a Iugement, 'ther-as we shullen been alle,' as seint Poul seith, 'biforn the sete of oure lord Iesu Crist'; wher-as he shal make a general congregacion, wher-as no man may been absent. For certes, there availleth noon essoyne ne excusacion. ... [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 405
[continues previous] And profreth him, right in his bare sherte,
Parson's Tale: 10
[continues previous] ... seint Ierome seith: 'at every tyme that me remembreth of the day of dome, I quake; for whan I ete or drinke, or what-so that I do, evere semeth me that the trompe sowneth in myn ere: riseth up, ye that been dede, and cometh to the Iugement.' O gode god, muchel oghte a man to drede swich a Iugement, 'ther-as we shullen been alle,' as seint Poul seith, 'biforn the sete of oure lord Iesu Crist'; wher-as he shal make a general congregacion, wher-as no man may been absent. For certes, there availleth noon essoyne ne excusacion. And nat only that oure defautes ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 411
[continues previous] Leteth your yre, and beth somwhat tretable!
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 10
certein thinges sholde be moeved by fortunous fortune; but I
Consolatione Philosophie 1 Prose 6: 11
wot wel that god, maker and mayster, is governour of his werk.
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 6
delices I not what Ioye may ben had of hir moevinge. But this
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 7: 7
wot I wel, that who-so-ever wole remembren him of hise luxures,
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 12: 21
wene that it were to doute; as who seith, but I wot wel that god
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 418
[continues previous] And eek the Deeth of Blaunche the Duchesse,
Parson's Tale: 104
... also of Fame; The book of the nynetene Ladies; The book of the Duchesse; The book of seint Valentynes day of the Parlement of Briddes; The tales of Caunterbury, thilke that sounen in-to sinne; The book of the Leoun; and many another book, if they were in my remembrance; and many a song and many a lecherous lay; that Crist for his grete mercy foryeve me the sinne. But of the translacion of Boece de Consolacione, and othere bokes of Legendes of seintes, and omelies, and moralitee, and devocioun, that thanke I oure lord Iesu Crist and his blisful moder, and alle the seintes of hevene; bisekinge hem ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 435
[continues previous] And he shal sweren yow, and that as blyve,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 476
[continues previous] And telle of false men that hem bitrayen,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 486
[continues previous] And telle of false men that hem bitrayen,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 444
[continues previous] That I yow knew so charitable and trewe,
Melibee's Tale: 28
'My lord,' quod she, 'I biseke yow in al humblesse, that ye wol nat wilfully replye agayn my resouns, ne distempre your herte thogh I speke thing that yow displese. For god wot that, as in myn entente, I speke it for your beste, for your honour and for your profite eke. And soothly, I hope that your benignitee wol taken it in pacience. ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 28
[continues previous] 'My lord,' quod she, 'I biseke yow in al humblesse, that ye wol nat wilfully replye agayn my resouns, ne distempre your herte thogh I speke thing that yow displese. For god wot that, as in myn entente, I speke it for your beste, for your honour and for your profite eke. And soothly, I hope that your benignitee ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 449
[continues previous] Al lyth in yow, doth with him as yow leste.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 116
And, as I coude, this fresshe flour I grette; [continues next]
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 40
... Capricorne; and thanne sette I the point of F upward in the same signe, bycause that the latitude was north, up-on the latitude of Venus, that is to seyn, in the 6 degree fro the heved of Capricorne; and thus have I 2 degrees by-twixe my two prikkes. Than leide I doun softely my compas, and sette the degree of the longitude up-on the orisonte; tho tok I and wexede my label in maner of a peyre tables to resceyve distinctly the prikkes of my compas. Tho tok I this forseide label, and leide it fix over the degree of my longitude; tho tok I up my ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 116
[continues previous] And, as I coude, this fresshe flour I grette;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 461
[continues previous] That han me holpe and put in this degree.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 463
[continues previous] Naught have agilt, ne doon to love trespas.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 489
[continues previous] For in your world that is now holde a game.
Melibee's Tale: 28
'My lord,' quod she, 'I biseke yow in al humblesse, that ye wol nat wilfully replye agayn my resouns, ne distempre your herte thogh I speke thing that yow displese. For god wot that, as in myn entente, I speke it for your beste, for your honour and for your profite eke. And soothly, I hope that your benignitee wol taken it in pacience. Trusteth me wel,' quod she, 'that your conseil as in this caas ne sholde nat, as to speke properly, be called a conseilling, but ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 28
[continues previous] 'My lord,' quod she, 'I biseke yow in al humblesse, that ye wol nat wilfully replye agayn my resouns, ne distempre your herte thogh I speke thing that yow displese. For god wot that, as in myn entente, I speke it for your beste, for your honour and for your profite eke. And soothly, I hope that your benignitee wol taken it in pacience. Trusteth me wel,' quod she, 'that your conseil as in this caas ne sholde nat, as to speke properly, be called a ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 473
[continues previous] And to be war fro falsnesse and fro vyce
Parson's Tale: 12
... thise foure thinges sholde have lordshipe over that other; as thus: god sholde have lordshipe over reson, and reson over sensualitee, and sensualitee over the body of man. But sothly, whan man sinneth, al this ordre or ordinance is turned up-so-doun. And therfore thanne, for-as-muche as the reson of man ne wol nat be subget ne obeisant to god, that is his lord by right, therfore leseth it the lordshipe that it sholde have over sensualitee, and eek over the body of man. And why? For sensualitee rebelleth thanne agayns reson; and by that wey leseth reson the lordshipe over sensualitee and over the body. For ... [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 12
[continues previous] ... thise foure thinges sholde have lordshipe over that other; as thus: god sholde have lordshipe over reson, and reson over sensualitee, and sensualitee over the body of man. But sothly, whan man sinneth, al this ordre or ordinance is turned up-so-doun. And therfore thanne, for-as-muche as the reson of man ne wol nat be subget ne obeisant to god, that is his lord by right, therfore leseth it the lordshipe that it sholde have over sensualitee, and eek over the body of man. And why? For sensualitee rebelleth thanne agayns reson; and by that wey leseth reson the lordshipe over sensualitee and over the body. For ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 120
seye that thou art blisful, yif thou putte this ther-to that I [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 65
... hise enemys. For Salomon seith: "leveth me, and yeveth credence to that I shal seyn; I seye," quod he, "ye peple, folk, and governours of holy chirche, to thy sone, to thy wyf, to thy freend, ne to thy brother ne yeve thou never might ne maistrie of thy body, whyl thou livest." Now sithen he defendeth, that man shal nat yeven to his brother ne to his freend the might of his body, by a strenger resoun he defendeth and forbedeth a man to yeven him-self to his enemy. And nathelees I conseille you, that ye mistruste nat my lord. For I wool wel and knowe verraily, ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 479
[continues previous] Now wol I seyn what penance thou shalt do
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 93
hem that ben anguissous. O ye mortal folk, what seke ye thanne [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 77
... eschaufinges of the ordure of this sinne. And this is in two maneres, that is to seyn, chastitee in mariage, and chastitee of widwehode. Now shaltow understonde, that matrimoine is leefful assemblinge of man and of womman, that receyven by vertu of the sacrement the bond, thurgh which they may nat be departed in al hir lyf, that is to seyn, whyl that they liven bothe. This, as seith the book, is a ful greet sacrement. God maked it, as I have seyd, in paradys, and wolde him-self be born in mariage. And for to halwen mariage, he was at a weddinge, where-as he turned water in-to wyn; ...
Consolatione Philosophie 2 Prose 4: 93
[continues previous] hem that ben anguissous. O ye mortal folk, what seke ye thanne
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 485
[continues previous] That weren trewe in lovinge al hir lyves;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 489
[continues previous] For in your world that is now holde a game.
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 494
[continues previous] To forthren thee, and wel thy labour quyte;
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 496
[continues previous] And whan this book is maad, yive hit the quene
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 498
The god of love gan smyle, and than he seyde, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 499
'Wostow,' quod he, 'wher this be wyf or mayde, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 499
[continues previous] 'Wostow,' quod he, 'wher this be wyf or mayde,
Consolatione Philosophie 4 Prose 6: 162
that is don in this werld unhoped or unwened, certes, it is the
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 508
[continues previous] Quod Love, 'and that thou knowest wel, pardee,
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 44
... tyme that thou come to 20, or 40, or 60. And that thou findest in directe wryte in thy slate under thy rote, and adde hit to-geder, and that is thy mene mote, for the laste meridian of the December, for the same yere whiche that thou hast purposed. And if hit so be that hit passe 20, consider wel that fro 1 to 20 ben anni expansi, and fro 20 to 3000 ben anni collecti; and if thy nombere passe 20, than take that thou findest in directe of 20, and if hit be more, as 6 or 18, than take that thou findest in directe there-of, that is to sayen, signes, degrees, minutes, and secoundes, and adde to-gedere un-to thy rote; and thus to make rotes; and note, that if hit so be that the yere of oure lord be lasse than the rote, whiche is the yere of oure lord 1397, than shalt thou wryte in the same wyse furst thy rote in thy slate, and after entere in-to thy table in the same yere that be lasse, as I taught be-fore; and than consider how many signes, degrees, minutes, and secoundes thyn entringe conteyneth. And so be that ther be 2 entrees, than adde hem togeder, and after with-drawe hem from the rote, the yere of oure lord 1397; and the residue that leveth is thy mene mote fro the laste meridie of December, the whiche thou hast purposed; and if hit so be that thou wolt weten thy mene mote for any day, or for any fraccioun of day, in this maner thou shalt worche. Make thy rote fro the laste day of Decembere in the maner as I have taught, and afterward behold how many monethis, dayes, and houres ben passid from the meridie ...
Treatise on the Astrolabe 2: 45
... the signes, degrees, minutes, and secoundes that thou findest y-write in directe of thy monethes, and adde to signes, degrees, minutes, and secoundes that thou findest with thy rote the yere of oure lord 1400, and the residue that leveth is the mene mote for that same day. And note, if hit so be that thou woldest wete the mene mote in ony yere that is lasse than thy rote, withdrawe the nombere of so many yeres as hit is lasse than the yere of oure lord a 1397, and kepe the residue; and so many yeres, monethes, and dayes entere in-to thy tabelis of thy ...
Melibee's Tale: 29
... alwey finde a gretter nombre of foles than of wyse men, and therfore the conseils that been at congregaciouns and multitudes of folk, ther-as men take more reward to the nombre than to the sapience of persones, ye see wel that in swiche conseillinges foles han the maistrie.' Melibeus answerde agayn, and seyde: 'I graunte wel that I have erred; but ther-as thou hast told me heer-biforn, that he nis nat to blame that chaungeth hise conseillours in certein caas, and for certeine Iuste causes, I am al redy to chaunge my conseillours, right as thow wolt devyse. The proverbe seith: ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 29
[continues previous] ... shal alwey finde a gretter nombre of foles than of wyse men, and therfore the conseils that been at congregaciouns and multitudes of folk, ther-as men take more reward to the nombre than to the sapience of persones, ye see wel that in swiche conseillinges foles han the maistrie.' Melibeus answerde agayn, and seyde: 'I graunte wel that I have erred; but ther-as thou hast told me heer-biforn, that he nis nat to blame that chaungeth hise conseillours in certein caas, and for certeine Iuste causes, I am al redy to chaunge my conseillours, right as thow wolt devyse. The proverbe seith: that "for to do sinne is mannish, ...
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 299
[continues previous] Hir whyte coroun berth the witnessinge!'
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 155
[continues previous] For which the whyte coroun, above the grene,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 223
[continues previous] For which the whyte coroun, above the grene,
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 152
[continues previous] Swich were the floures of hir coroun whyte.
Legend of Good Women Prologue A: 228
[continues previous] First sat the god of love, and than this quene
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 538
[continues previous] Was hit to thee, that ilke tyme thou made
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 3: 25
that thou noldest nat han lakked, or elles thou haddest that thou
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 544
For she taughte al the craft of fyn lovinge, [continues next]
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 544
[continues previous] For she taughte al the craft of fyn lovinge,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 549
[continues previous] That in thy Legend thou make of this wyf,
Legend of Good Women Prologue B: 552
[continues previous] 'But er I go, thus muche I wol thee telle,