Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer A. B. C. to Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer A. B. C. has 184 lines, and 3% of them have strong matches at magnitude 15+ in Geoffrey Chaucer. 45% of the lines have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14. 52% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.04 strong matches and 1.35 weak matches.
A. B. C.
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Geoffrey Chaucer
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Parson's Tale: 13
... 'salvacion,' on whom men shul hope to have foryifnesse of sinnes, which that is proprely salvacion of sinnes. And therfore seyde the aungel to Ioseph: 'thou shall clepen his name Iesus, that shal saven his peple of hir sinnes.' And heer-of seith seint Peter: 'ther is noon other name under hevene that is yeve to any man, by which a man may be saved, but only Iesus.' Nazarenus is as muche for to seye as 'florisshinge,' in which a man shal hope, that he that yeveth him remission of sinnes shal yeve him eek grace wel for to do. For in ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 31
... leste enemy." Ovide seith: that "the litel wesele wol slee the grete bole and the wilde hert." And the book seith: "a litel thorn may prikke a greet king ful sore; and an hound wol holde the wilde boor." But nathelees, I sey nat thou shall be so coward that thou doute ther wher-as is no drede. The book seith: that "somme folk han greet lust to deceyve, but yet they dreden hem to be deceyved." Yet shaltou drede to been empoisoned, and kepe yow from the companye of scorneres. For the book seith: "with scorneres make no companye, but flee hir wordes as venim."
Parson's Tale: 13
[continues previous] ... Iesus is to seyn 'saveour' or 'salvacion,' on whom men shul hope to have foryifnesse of sinnes, which that is proprely salvacion of sinnes. And therfore seyde the aungel to Ioseph: 'thou shall clepen his name Iesus, that shal saven his peple of hir sinnes.' And heer-of seith seint Peter: 'ther is noon other name under hevene that is yeve to any man, by which a man may be saved, but only Iesus.' Nazarenus is as muche for to seye as 'florisshinge,' in which a man shal hope, that he that yeveth him remission of sinnes shal yeve him eek grace wel for to do. For in the flour ...
Parson's Tale: 27
... falle. Eke for to pryde him in his strengthe of body, it is an heigh folye; for certes, the flesh coveiteth agayn the spirit, and ay the more strong that the flesh is, the sorier may the soule be: and, over al this, strengthe of body and worldly hardinesse causeth ful ofte many a man to peril and meschaunce. Eek for to pryde him of his gentrye is ful greet folye; for ofte tyme the gentrye of the body binimeth the gentrye of the soule; and eek we ben alle of o fader and of o moder; and alle we been of o nature ...
Consolatione Philosophie 5 Prose 1: 39
that hap be any swich thing as I have diffinisshed a litel heer-biforn.'
Parson's Tale: 67
... able. For, as seith Seint Damasie, 'alle the sinnes of the world, at regard of this sinne, am as thing of noght'; for it is the gretteste sinne that may be, after the sinne of Lucifer and Antecrist. For, by this sinne, god forleseth the chirche, and the soule that he boghte with his precious blood, by hem that yeven chirches to hem that been nat digne. For they putten in theves, that stelen the soules of Iesu Christ and destroyen his patrimoine. By swiche undigne preestes and curates han lewed men the lasse reverence of the sacraments of holy chirche; and swiche yeveres of chirches ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 95
geten him sovereyn blisfulnesse; but that shal he nat finde in [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 9: 96
[continues previous] tho thinges that I have shewed, that ne mowen nat yeven that
Melibee's Tale: 64
... al our matere and cause al hoolly in your goode wil; and been redy to obeye to the speche and comandement of my lord Melibee. And therfore, dere and benigne lady, we preyen yow and biseke yow as mekely as we conne and mowen, that it lyke un-to your grete goodnesse to fulfillen in dede your goodliche wordes; for we consideren and knowlichen that we han offended and greved my lord Melibee out of mesure; so ferforth, that we be nat of power to maken hise amendes. And therfore we oblige and binden us and our freendes to doon al his ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 64
[continues previous] ... 'we putten our dede and al our matere and cause al hoolly in your goode wil; and been redy to obeye to the speche and comandement of my lord Melibee. And therfore, dere and benigne lady, we preyen yow and biseke yow as mekely as we conne and mowen, that it lyke un-to your grete goodnesse to fulfillen in dede your goodliche wordes; for we consideren and knowlichen that we han offended and greved my lord Melibee out of mesure; so ferforth, that we be nat of power to maken hise amendes. And therfore we oblige and binden us and our freendes to ...
Parson's Tale: 56
... 'I seye to thee, to-day shaltow been with me in Paradys.' Certes, ther is noon so horrible sinne of man, that it ne may, in his lyf, be destroyed by penitence, thurgh vertu of the passion and of the deeth of Crist. Allas! what nedeth man thanne to been despeired, sith that his mercy so redy is and large? Axe and have. Thanne cometh Sompnolence, that is, sluggy slombringe, which maketh a man be hevy and dul, in body and in soule; and this sinne comth of Slouthe. And certes, the tyme that, by wey of resoun, men sholde nat slepe, that is by the morwe; but-if ther were ...