Comparison of Geoffrey Chaucer Merciles Beautè to Geoffrey Chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer Merciles Beautè has 39 lines, and 74% of them have strong matches at magnitude 15+ in Geoffrey Chaucer. 21% of the lines have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14. 5% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 2.28 strong matches and 2.26 weak matches.
Merciles Beautè
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Geoffrey Chaucer
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Melibee's Tale: 56
Thanne bigan dame Prudence to maken semblant of wratthe, and seyde, 'certes, sir, sauf your grace, I love your honour and your profit as I do myn owene, and ever have doon; ne ye ne noon other syen never the contrarie. And yit, if I hadde seyd that ye sholde han purchaced the pees and the reconsiliacioun, I ne hadde nat muchel mistaken me, ne seyd amis. For the wyse man seith: "the dissensioun biginneth by another man, and the reconsiling bi-ginneth by thy-self." And the prophete seith: "flee shrewednesse and do goodnesse; seke pees and folwe it, as muchel as in ... [continues next]
Melibee's Tale: 56
[continues previous] Thanne bigan dame Prudence to maken semblant of wratthe, and seyde, 'certes, sir, sauf your grace, I love your honour and your profit as I do myn owene, and ever have doon; ne ye ne noon other syen never the contrarie. And yit, if I hadde seyd that ye sholde han purchaced the pees and the reconsiliacioun, I ne hadde nat muchel mistaken me, ne seyd amis. For the wyse man seith: "the dissensioun biginneth by another man, and the reconsiling bi-ginneth by thy-self." And the prophete seith: "flee shrewednesse and do goodnesse; seke pees ...
Parson's Tale: 59
... any good werk, anon he shal forleten it and stinten; as doon they that han any wight to governe, and ne taken of him na-more kepe, anon as they finden any contrarie or any anoy. Thise been the newe shepherdes, that leten hir sheep witingly go renne to the wolf that is in the breres, or do no fors of hir owene governaunce. Of this comth poverte and destruccioun, bothe of spirituel and temporel thinges. Thanne comth a manere coldnesse, that freseth al the herte of man. Thanne comth undevocioun, thurgh which a man is so blent, as seith Seint Bernard, and hath swiche langour in ... [continues next]
Parson's Tale: 59
[continues previous] ... forleten it and stinten; as doon they that han any wight to governe, and ne taken of him na-more kepe, anon as they finden any contrarie or any anoy. Thise been the newe shepherdes, that leten hir sheep witingly go renne to the wolf that is in the breres, or do no fors of hir owene governaunce. Of this comth poverte and destruccioun, bothe of spirituel and temporel thinges. Thanne comth a manere coldnesse, that freseth al the herte of man. Thanne comth undevocioun, thurgh which a man is so blent, as seith Seint Bernard, and hath swiche langour in soule, that he ...
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 55
'Whan I considere,' quod I, 'manye thinges, I see non other.' [continues next]
Consolatione Philosophie 3 Prose 11: 56
'Is ther any-thing thanne,' quod she, 'that, in as moche as it [continues next]