Comparison of United States Constitution (1997) Amendment 23 Section 2 to Federalist Papers

Comparison of United States Constitution (1997) Amendment 23 Section 2 to Federalist Papers


United States Constitution (1997) Amendment 23 Section 2 has one line, and it has 2 weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in Federalist Papers.

Federalist Papers

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Amendment 23 Section 2: 1

The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

Federalist 32: 3

... by another clause, which declares that no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any State; in consequence of which qualification, it now only extends to the DUTIES ON IMPORTS. This answers to the second case. The third will be found in that clause which declares that Congress shall have power "to establish an UNIFORM RULE of naturalization throughout the United States." This must necessarily be exclusive; because if each State had power to prescribe a DISTINCT RULE, there could not be a UNIFORM RULE.

Federalist 84: 5

... consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court." And clause 3, of the same section "The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason; but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person attainted." It may well be a question, whether these are not, upon the whole, of equal importance with any which are to be found in the constitution of ...