Comparison of William Shakespeare Cardenio 5.2 to William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Cardenio 5.2 has 177 lines, and one of them has a strong match at magnitude 15+ in William Shakespeare. 16% of the lines have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14. 83% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.01 strong matches and 0.27 weak matches.
Cardenio 5.2
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William Shakespeare
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Cardenio 5.2: 14
O, what is beauty, that’s so much adored? A flattering glass that cozens her beholders, One night of death makes it look pale and horrid: The dainty preserved flesh, how soon it moulders! To love it living, it bewitcheth many, But after life is seldom heard of any.
Cardenio 5.2: 15
By this hand, mere idolatry! I make curtsy To my damnation. I have learnt so much, Though I could never know the meaning yet Of all my Latin prayers, nor ne’er sought for‘t.
Cardenio 1.1: 76
’Tis happy you have learnt so much manners, Since you have so little wit. Fare you well, sir!
Henry VI Part 2 2.3: 65
... in this world. Here, Robin, and if I die, I give thee my aporn; and, Will, thou shalt have my hammer; and here, Tom, take all the money that I have. O Lord bless me, I pray God, for I am never able to deal with my master, he hath learnt so much fence already.
Cardenio 5.2: 16
... pleasing art thou to us even in death! I love thee yet, above all women living, And shall do sev’n year hence. I can see nothing to be mended in thee But the too constant paleness of thy cheek. I‘d give the kingdom but to purchase there The breadth of a red rose in natural colour, And think it the best bargain that ever king made yet. But fate’s my hindrance, And I must only rest content with art; And that I’ll have in spite on’t. Is he come, sir?
Cardenio 5.2: 19
For a court schoomaster, a picture drawer, A lady’s forenoon tutor. Is he come, sir?
Cardenio 2.3: 6
Push! That old limber ass puts in his head still. Helvetius! Where is he? [continues next]
Cardenio 5.2: 33
... to me To see thee here at court, and gone from hence. Didst thou make haste to leave the world for this? And kept in the worst comer? O, who dares play with destiny but he That wears security so thick upon him The thought of death and hell cannot pierce through?
Cardenio 3.1: 139
We have no eyes to pierce through inch boards ‘twas his own folly; the king must be served, [continues next]
Cardenio 3.1: 139
[continues previous] We have no eyes to pierce through inch boards ‘twas his own folly; the king must be served,
Merry Wives of Windsor 1.4: 62
Troth, sir, all is in His hands above. But notwithstanding, Master Fenton, I’ll be sworn on a book she loves you. Have not your worship a wart above your eye?
Cardenio 5.2: 69
Could I now send for one to renew heat Within her bosom, that were a fine workman;
Julius Caesar 1.1: 10
Truly, sir, in respect of a fine workman, I am but, as you would say, a cobbler. [continues next]
Julius Caesar 1.1: 10
[continues previous] Truly, sir, in respect of a fine workman, I am but, as you would say, a cobbler.
Merry Wives of Windsor 1.4: 56
Who’s there, I trow? Come near the house, I pray you. [continues next]
Merry Wives of Windsor 1.4: 54
[continues previous] You shall have Anne — fool’s-head of your own. No, I know Anne’s mind for that. Never a woman in Windsor knows more of Anne’s mind than I do, nor can do more than I do with her, I thank heaven.
Merry Wives of Windsor 1.4: 56
[continues previous] Who’s there, I trow? Come near the house, I pray you.
Cardenio 5.1: 23
I know not yet where I should plant belief, I am so strangely tossed between two tales, I’m told by my wife’s woman the deed’s done, And in Votarius’ tongue ‘tis yet to come; The castle is but upon yielding yet. ’Tis not delivered up. Well, we shall find The mystery shortly. I will entertain The patience of a prisoner i‘th’ meantime.
Taming of the Shrew 5.1: 43
Lucentio! O, he hath murd’red his master! Lay hold on him, I charge you, in the Duke’s name. O, my son, my son! Tell me, thou villain, where is my son Lucentio?
Cardenio 4.1: 105
As clear and free from any fleshly knowledge, As nearest kindred are, or ought to be, Or what can more express it, if that failed.
Cardenio 5.2: 169
That honour done, let her be solemnly borne Unto the house of peace from whence she came, As Queen of Silence.