Comparison of William Shakespeare Two Noble Kinsmen 2.1 to Geoffrey Chaucer

William Shakespeare Two Noble Kinsmen 2.1 has 18 lines, and 11% of them have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in Geoffrey Chaucer. 89% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.22 weak matches.

Geoffrey Chaucer

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Two Noble Kinsmen 2.1: 15

Look yonder they are! That’s Arcite looks out.

Knight's Tale: 1884

But speke of Palamon and of Arcite. [continues next]

Knight's Tale: 1885

Swelleth the brest of Arcite, and the sore [continues next]

Two Noble Kinsmen 2.1: 16

No, sir, no, that’s Palamon. Arcite is the lower of the twain; you may perceive a part of him.

Knight's Tale: 1884

[continues previous] But speke of Palamon and of Arcite.

Knight's Tale: 1885

[continues previous] Swelleth the brest of Arcite, and the sore