Comparison of William Shakespeare Two Noble Kinsmen 3.2 to William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Two Noble Kinsmen 3.2 has 38 lines, and 34% of them have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in William Shakespeare. 66% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.58 weak matches.
Two Noble Kinsmen 3.2
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William Shakespeare
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Winter's Tale 5.2: 12
Like an old tale still, which will have matter to rehearse, though credit be asleep and not an ear open: he was torn to pieces with a bear. This avouches the shepherd’s son, who has not only his innocence (which seems much) to justify him, but a handkerchief and rings of his that Paulina knows.
Two Noble Kinsmen 4.3: 9
Faith, I’ll tell you; sometime we go to barley-break, we of the blessed. Alas, ’tis a sore life they have i’ th’ tother place, such burning, frying, boiling, hissing, howling, chatt’ring, cursing! O, they have shrowd measure! Take heed: if one be mad, or hang or drown themselves, thither they go — Jupiter bless us! — and there shall we be put in a cauldron of lead and usurers’ grease, amongst a whole million of cutpurses, and there boil like a gammon of bacon that will never be enough.
Henry IV Part 1 2.1: 4
Peas and beans are as dank here as a dog, and that is the next way to give poor jades the bots. This house is turn’d upside down since Robin ostler died.