Comparison of William Shakespeare Henry V 4.5 to Geoffrey Chaucer

William Shakespeare Henry V 4.5 has 23 lines, and one of them has weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in Geoffrey Chaucer. 96% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.09 weak matches.

Henry V 4.5

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Geoffrey Chaucer

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Henry V 4.5: 2

O Seigneur! Le jour est perdu, tout est perdu!

Parson's Tale: 11

... lyf, been al mortified by sinne folwinge; and eek, sith that alle the gode werkes that men doon whyl they been in deedly synne, been outrely dede as for to have the lyf perdurable; wel may that man, that no good werke ne dooth, singe thilke newe Frenshe song: "Iay tout perdu mon temps et mon labour." For certes, sinne bireveth a man bothe goodnesse of nature and eek the goodnesse of grace. For soothly, the grace of the holy goost fareth lyk fyr, that may nat been ydel; for fyr faileth anoon as it forleteth his wirkinge, and right so grace ...

Fortune: 7

Iay tout perdu mon temps et mon labour:'