Comparison of William Shakespeare Henry V 5 Prologue to William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Henry V 5 Prologue has 45 lines, and 22% of them have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in William Shakespeare. 78% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.33 weak matches.
Henry V 5 Prologue
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William Shakespeare
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Love's Labour's Lost 4.2: 15
[continues previous] So were there a patch set on learning, to see him in a school:
Measure for Measure 5.1: 313
You must, sir, change persons with me, ere you make that my report. You indeed spoke so of him, and much more, much worse.
Merry Wives of Windsor 3.5: 42
[continues previous] Master Brook, I will be thrown into Etna, as I have been into Thames, ere I will leave her thus. Her husband is this morning gone a-birding. I have receiv’d from her another ambassy of meeting. ’Twixt eight and nine is the hour, Master Brook.