Comparison of William Shakespeare Coriolanus 5.4 to Geoffrey Chaucer

William Shakespeare Coriolanus 5.4 has 39 lines, and one of them has a weak match at magnitude 10 in Geoffrey Chaucer. 97% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.03 weak matches.

Coriolanus 5.4

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Geoffrey Chaucer

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Coriolanus 5.4: 9

I paint him in the character. Mark what mercy his mother shall bring from him. There is no more mercy in him than there is milk in a male tiger, that shall our poor city find. And all this is long of you.

Parson's Tale: 6

... this seed is the love of god, and the desiring of the Ioye perdurable. This hete draweth the herte of a man to god, and dooth him haten his sinne. For soothly, ther is no-thing that savoureth so wel to a child as the milk of his norice, ne no-thing is to him more abhominable than thilke milk whan it is medled with other mete. Right so the sinful man that loveth his sinne, him semeth that it is to him most swete of any-thing; but fro that tyme that he loveth sadly our lord Iesu Crist, and desireth the lif perdurable, ther nis to him no-thing more abhominable. For soothly, ...