Comparison of William Shakespeare Timon of Athens 4.2 to Geoffrey Chaucer

William Shakespeare Timon of Athens 4.2 has 50 lines, and 4% of them have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in Geoffrey Chaucer. 96% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.06 weak matches.

Timon of Athens 4.2

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Geoffrey Chaucer

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Timon of Athens 4.2: 28

Nay, put out all your hands. Not one word more:

Hous of Fame 1: 336

For certeyn, for the more part, [continues next]

Timon of Athens 4.2: 29

Thus part we rich in sorrow, parting poor.

Hous of Fame 1: 336

[continues previous] For certeyn, for the more part,

Hous of Fame 1: 337

[continues previous] Thus we be served everichone.