Comparison of William Shakespeare Richard II 3.3 to William Shakespeare
William Shakespeare Richard II 3.3 has 209 lines, and 35% of them have weak matches at magnitude 10 to 14 in William Shakespeare. 65% of the lines have no match. On average, each line has 0.86 weak matches.
Richard II 3.3
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William Shakespeare
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Henry IV Part 1 5.3: 30
... lead, and as heavy too. God keep lead out of me! I need no more weight than mine own bowels. I have led my ragamuffins where they are pepper’d; there’s not three of my hundred and fifty left alive, and they are for the town’s end, to beg during life. But who comes here? [continues next]
All's Well That Ends Well 2.3: 180
Yes, good faith, ev’ry dram of it, and I will not bate thee a scruple. [continues next]
Love's Labour's Lost 1.1: 204
“So it is, besieged with sable-colored melancholy, I did commend the black oppressing humor to the most wholesome physic of thy health-giving air; and as I am a gentleman, betook myself to walk: the time When? About the sixt hour, when beasts most graze, birds best peck, and men sit down to that nourishment which is called supper: so much for the time When. Now for the ground Which? Which, I mean, I walk’d upon: it is ycliped thy ...
Merry Wives of Windsor 2.2: 83
Master Brook, I will first make bold with your money; next, give me your hand; and last, as I am a gentleman, you shall, and you will, enjoy Ford’s wife.
Twelfth Night 4.2: 39
Good fool, as ever thou wilt deserve well at my hand, help me to a candle, and pen, ink, and paper. As I am a gentleman, I will live to be thankful to thee for’t.
Much Ado About Nothing 5.4: 97
I had well hop’d thou wouldst have denied Beatrice, that I might have cudgell’d thee out of thy single life, to make thee a double-dealer, which out of question thou wilt be, if my cousin do not look exceeding narrowly to thee. [continues next]
Much Ado About Nothing 5.4: 97
[continues previous] I had well hop’d thou wouldst have denied Beatrice, that I might have cudgell’d thee out of thy single life, to make thee a double-dealer, which out of question thou wilt be, if my cousin do not look exceeding narrowly to thee.
Henry VI Part 2 4.7: 59
I feel remorse in myself with his words; but I’ll bridle it. He shall die, and it be but for pleading so well for his life. — Away with him, he has a familiar under his tongue, he speaks not a’ God’s name. Go, take him away I say, and strike off his head presently, and then break into his son-in-law’s house, Sir James Cromer, and strike off his head, and bring them both upon two poles hither.
As You Like It 2.6: 2
Why, how now, Adam? No greater heart in thee? Live a little, comfort a little, cheer thyself a little. If this uncouth forest yield any thing savage, I will either be food for it, or bring it for food to thee. Thy conceit is nearer death than thy powers. For my sake be comfortable, hold death a while at the arm’s end. I will here be with thee presently, ... [continues next]
As You Like It 2.6: 2
[continues previous] Why, how now, Adam? No greater heart in thee? Live a little, comfort a little, cheer thyself a little. If this uncouth forest yield any thing savage, I will either be food for it, or bring it for food to thee. Thy conceit is nearer death than thy powers. For my sake be comfortable, hold death a while at the arm’s end. I will here be with thee presently, ...
All's Well That Ends Well 1.3: 28
May it please you, madam, that he bid Helen come to you. Of her I am to speak.
Measure for Measure 2.1: 122
I thank your worship. For mine own part, I never come into any room in a tap-house, but I am drawn in. [continues next]
Henry IV Part 1 2.3: 1
“But, for mine own part, my lord, I could be well contented to be there, in respect of the love I bear your house.”
Henry V 5.2: 117
... it is not possible you should love the enemy of France, Kate; but in loving me, you should love the friend of France; for I love France so well that I will not part with a village of it; I will have it all mine. And, Kate, when France is mine and I am yours, then yours is France and you are mine. [continues next]
Measure for Measure 2.1: 122
[continues previous] I thank your worship. For mine own part, I never come into any room in a tap-house, but I am drawn in.
Henry V 5.2: 117
[continues previous] No, it is not possible you should love the enemy of France, Kate; but in loving me, you should love the friend of France; for I love France so well that I will not part with a village of it; I will have it all mine. And, Kate, when France is mine and I am yours, then yours is France and you are mine.
Double Falsehood 2.3: 113
Go to, you’re a fool. No doubt, you have old stories enough to undo you. What, you can’t throw yourself away but by precedent, ha? You will needs be married to one, that will none of you? You will be happy no body’s way but your own, forsooth. But, d’ye mark me, spare your tongue for the future; (and that’s using you hardly ... [continues next]
Double Falsehood 2.3: 113
[continues previous] Go to, you’re a fool. No doubt, you have old stories enough to undo you. What, you can’t throw yourself away but by precedent, ha? You will needs be married to one, that will none of you? You will be happy no body’s way but your own, forsooth. But, d’ye mark me, spare your tongue for the future; (and that’s using you hardly too, to bid ...